Area Code 619 Location - California
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Area Code 619 Map and Location
Area Code 619, California Cities, Neighborhoods and Local Features
- Chula Vista
- Coronado
- El Cajon
- Imperial Beach
- La Mesa
- La Presa
- Lemon Grove
- National City
- Rancho San Diego
- San Diego
- Santee
- Spring Valley
California Occupying the 5th place in the list of the largest economies in the world is California. This is one of the 51 States belonging to the United States, with 8 of the most populated cities in the country: Los Angeles, which is positioned as the second most populated city in the country; San Jose, San Diego, Fresno, Oakland, Long Beach, Sacramento (the state capital) and San Francisco. This last city is ranked number 5 in the most populated cities of the country.
Its economy is so great that it exceeds that maintained by the United Kingdom or France, favored by having the metropolitan area of ​​Los Angeles and the Bay Area of ​​San Francisco, economies of the best 5 in the country. In this sense, for 2016 these cities had a margin of $1.2 and $821 billion respectively, positioning themselves one behind the other, after the city of New York.
Likewise, we must point out that the Bay of San Francisco presented the highest GDP per capita in the country in 2016 ($94,000). This is due to the fact that it has 4 of the 10 largest companies in the world, according to the management of stock market capitalization; and being the home of 4 of the first 10 richest people in the world, which allows boosting your economy in a surprising way.
This State presents a very diverse economy marked by 4 sectors mainly: Agriculture, technology, leisure, electric power, finance, and tourism. Together, these 6 activities are potentially exploited to such an extent that if California will find itself as an independent nation, it could become the 10th economy in the world. This is how this percentage places it among the best states in the country, economically speaking.
In general, California has always been considered a global economic power, since it was a pioneer in some segments of the industry that we know today. Such is the case of aeronautics, information technology, medicine, electronics, and space technology, among others. Its agriculture even represents only 1.5% of the local economy, has the highest levels of production in the country, being highly developed, thanks to the fact that it presents the right conditions for cultivation and has a very favorable climate.
In the Napa Valley, California has the production of a high-quality wine, this being an industry that has been exploited in recent decades, giving the State an economically versatile image, which is always very interesting. In addition, it has large citrus crops, which dominate production. Its economic activities make it stand out naturally since it is a state favored by nature and by the hand of man.
With a greater power still to be exploited, California is one of the best places to live, is one of the destinations most marked by external and internal migration. So much so, that the California Civil Code recognizes the Spanish language as the second official language, presented an estimated 36% of the population, while English reaches 60%. Other less popular languages ​​such as Chinese and Vietnamese occupy the remaining 4%.
Chula Vista is the name given to the second large city of San Diego. This beautiful city, founded in the early nineteenth century, gets its name because of the charming location it has with respect to the Bay of San Diego and the coastal eminences of the mountain.
Its population, up to the 2010 census, was 243,916, placing it in the fourteenth place of the largest cities in California. In this sense, we can point out that it is also number 74 at the national level.
In comparison with previous censuses, this city has obtained a population growth quite marked and fast. Similarly, within its territory, is one of the few Olympic training centers in the United States, open all year. This allows you to be continuously receiving many young athletes willing to train hard to get a place in history. This also makes it a city with a market rate of growth, besides being very prone to tourism, due to its incredible attractions. Some of the most visited are Aquatica San Diego, Living Coast Discovery, and the Chula Vista marina, among others.
The city is located in the locality of South Bay, counting on the Bay of San Diego on the east and west, and the Sweetwater and Otay rivers on the north and south respectively. In addition, its location is affected by the La Nación and Rose Canyon faults, which, in the past, moved Pleistocene and other younger rocks. However, for many years the soils have not seen fallas activity, being a place with a propensity to fauna and flora.
It has a dry Mediterranean climate, thanks to its strategic location that allows its winters to be mild and humid, while its summers are hot and dry. To a large extent, its coolest month is January, maintaining a stable temperature that very rarely drops below 0º C and can reach up to 13º. The rains are very common, mainly due to the storms that frequent the Pacific Ocean, and, although January and February are quite rainy months, March is the month that is called the rainiest, according to the average.
It is estimated that in the coming decades, the city will continue to extend eastward, with large urbanization projects designed to meet the demand of a growing population. This growth is a factor by which attracting trade becomes necessary, work that Chula Vista has been doing with good results, facilitating the balance of the population with the trade. However, this city still functions as a small community, giving way to the small towns with which it was founded.
Another curious detail of this South Bay town is that its growth has become much more noticeable in the Otay Valley area, one of the closest places with respect to the Olympic training center of the United States of America, this being a very striking place for them to live from athletes to coaches and family
In the east of San Diego, California, a city called El Cajon is located. It is located in a valley that surrounds mountains just 27 km from downtown San Diego. This place has the nickname of "The Big Box", which is also known in the area. Its name derives from the Spanish word "Cajón", whose meaning is "Caja", the name given to it because of its location between the mountains, and only 133 m above sea level.
Its total area is land and measures 14.4 square miles or 37km2, without having bodies of water anywhere in its territory. It limits to the north with Santee; to the south with Spring Valley; to the east with the County of San Diego, and to the west with La Mesa and San Diego. So, like its territory, it is surrounded by land without bodies of water.
Its climate is quite warm in summer with an average temperature of 21º C, while its winter maintains temperatures between 13º C and 8º C, being very soft and humid. Its coldest month is December, where occasionally the temperature can reach 4º C.
In this city the white race predominates being 41.6% of its population, African Americans have 6.3% and Latinos 30.4%, noting the high percentage of Hispanic migration in the city. The remaining 20.7% are divided among races such as the indigenous, Asian and Pacific Islander. In addition, it has a high percentage of Arab migrants, being among the largest groups in the country.
Similarly, statistics on the age of the inhabitants reveal that the total population (99,478 people) 27.9% are young people under 18 years; 11.2% range from 18 to 24 years old; 31.3% are people between 25 and 44 years old; 18.3% between 45 to 64 years and a total of 11.3% that exceeded 64 years. The average age of the city of El Cajón is 32 years, being on average a place with a predominance of women since for every 100 women it was determined that you are 95.2 men.
In terms of education, this city has a good number of elementary, middle and high schools. Having, in addition, 3 local universities, making it a good place to live and build families. The income of the city is very good on average, allowing a high standard of living among its inhabitants, according to statistics.
It also has an available airport, so it can be reached by plane, as on the road, without any inconvenience. The contact with nature is not a problem in this town either, as it is surrounded by mountains with the fauna and flora characteristic of these areas.
The city has great attractions for all tastes, so it is also a tourist site, although on a low scale. It has casinos, shopping centers, cinemas, museums, and you can even make tours of the city from the air, seeing its majestic landscapes and the total beauty of the town.
National City is located southwest of San Diego County in California, within the South Bay region. In 2010 its population was equivalent to 58,582 people, an increase of 4,322 people with respect to the 2000 census. This city occupies the 2nd place in the list of the oldest cities of San Diego. For that same year, the locality had 15,018 established homes, in which 11,804 families could be estimated, this Indian statistics of 3.39 people per household and 3.79 people per household.
The population of the place is demographically divided into 35.15% white; 5.58% African-American; 0.95% Amerindians; 18.57% Asian; 0.88% Pacific Islanders; while other races maintained 33.51% and mix races maintained 5.37%. Likewise, Latinos predominate in the area with 59.07% of the total population.
The town was born in the place where the Spaniards left to graze their horses and baptized it as "Rancho del Rey". After the independence of Spain, the name was changed to "Rancho de la Nacion". Later, in 1868, this land was purchased by the Kimball brothers, who were contractors in San Francisco. They began to build the city, retaining only the National name. These brothers brought prosperity to the town, as they not only built the first modern house in the sector but also built roads, railroad tracks, the first post office and the maritime dock. These innovations undoubtedly made the place flourish and grow considerably. The dock was used for exports and imports, which attracted entrepreneurs with their community of workers, giving the city a timeless and modern air at the same time.
The Kimballs left a noticeable mark in the life of the city, since not only they are the founding pioneers, but also they were dedicated to planting trees, brought of other places, in the surroundings of the sector, being able to find some of them still in our days. Its incorporation like the city of the county of San Diego was realized in September of 1887.
Its territory is 24 km2, with 19 km2 on land and 4.7 km2 of bodies of water. It is bordered by San Diego to the north, Bonita and Chula Vista to the south and San Diego Bay to the direct west of the region. It can be called a border city because it is only 15 minutes from the border with Mexico being a place of migratory transits, both legal and illegal.
Like other cities in California, National City has a pleasant climate, dominated by dry, warm summers and mild winters. The highest precipitation rate of the place is seen between December and March. Similarly, the temperate climate predominates, with temperatures between 22 º C. Within its domains, it has the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge and the Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, although the latter only maintains its northern area.
In Southern California, there is a city called La Mesa. Its foundation took place in 1869 and officially attached as a city on February 16, 1912, protected by the laws of California. Its name is due to its topography. Likewise, and interestingly, La Mesa belonged to the San Diego de Alcalá Mission, which made it very busy and used by Spanish missionaries on their pilgrimage trips through the country.
It is located 14 km east of the central axis of San Diego. I count a population, according to the 2010 census, of 57,065 people, with an increase of 2316 people, in comparison with the census conducted in the year 2000.
Its population density indicated that there are 6,259.6 people per house 2,416.8 km2. Maintaining a racial index as follows: 54.1% white; 21.5% Hispanics; 8.0% African-American; 5.8% Asian; 0.8 Native Americans; the Pacific Islanders were at 0.6%; other races in 11.6% and mestizos of races 5.8%. It was also found during the census that 56,408 people, that is, a total of 98.8% of the total population lived in households, 0.2% represented by 124 people were kept in non-institutional groups and the remaining 0.9% (533 people) were located in government institutions.
The city limits are North and west San Diego, Spring Valley and Lemon Grove to the south and east to El Cajón. It is known as "The jewel of the hills", a phrase that is also used as a civic motto in the town. Its total area is 24.10 km2, which correspond to 99.56% of the land (24 km2) and 0.44 of bodies of water (0.10 km2).
Due to its location, somewhat distant from the Pacific Ocean, La Mesa tends to have a much milder climate than other cities of San Diego, defined as semi-arid steppe. Its climate is remarkably strong, with hot and dry summers of minimum 13º C maximum 33º C, and warm winters of maximum 25º C and minimum 8º C, where the greater proportion of rains are seen from November to March.
Its system of government is headed by a mayor, who has a team of councilors. Being this city of general right, these positions are adjudged by the town by means of free elections and have a term of 4 years from the taking of the power. In this sense, it must be established that there are 4 eligible councilors and that these will meet, together with the governor, at least twice a month to discuss public order measures and establish specific action measures for the locality. Although this region does not have its own law, it is governed by the laws of the State of California, which have all the power and validity in the area.
Its educational engine is formed by primary schools, secondary schools, high schools and K until 12, is necessary to leave the region to attend college. As one of the suburban cities of California in San Diego is Santee, located 29 km from the coast to the Pacific Ocean, it connects to the coast thanks to State Route 52, a multi-lane highway that begins on Interstate 5 of La Jolla and reaches State Route 67 in El Cajón.
It is divided by the San Diego River, which creates a green line consisting of parks, thousands of trails and 45 hectares of nature, available to venture and learn about the fauna and flora of the town. In addition, it is one of the most visited places in Santee for its striking and natural charm. Likewise, the region is protected by a natural barrier of hills on the north and west sides, and shares the northern part with the El Cajon Valley, maintaining broad contact with this city.
The San Diego River can be enjoyed in all its beauty and immensity from the east to the west, staying within the limits of the city and dividing it in a very marked and picturesque way, like a green belt of natural charm and incalculable potential. It is one of the largest natural areas of the town.
The climate of the locality is semi-arid, being warm most of the year and maintaining high temperatures with sporadic and quite rare decreases.
Its total population was 53,413 around the year 2000, is marked by a population density of 3,231.6 people per house 1,247.7 km2. It is composed of a predominant white race with a total of 82.5% of the population. It also has 2.0% African-Americans, 0.8% indigenous, 3.8% Asian, 0.5% Pacific Islander, 5.0% other races and 5.4 racially mixed races. Hispanics have a total population representation of 8,699 people within the territory. In addition, it has an average age of 36.7 years divided into percentages of which 6.3% of the population is between 0 and 4 years old; 14.2% range from 5 to 14 years; from 15 to 24 years old they have 14.2%; 11.2% is the total of 25 to 34 years; from 35 to 44 years old it has 16.6% of the population; from 45 to 54 years old it has 16.3%; from 55 to 64 years it has a 9.7%; and more than 65 years it has 9.9%.
In terms of education, Santee works with two school districts, the Santee School District and the Grossmont Union High School District. These districts operate differently than traditional school districts since their schools (Santee School District) have an area of ​​kindergarten through eighth grade, of course, each one with its separate campus and different schedules from each other.
Both high schools in the region operate under the command of the Grossmont Union High School District, considered the best in the entire Grossmont Unified School District.
In the county of San Diego, State of California is the city of Lemon Grove. It was incorporated as a city of the State of California on July 1, 1977. It owes its name to the huge lemon orchard that was the place before becoming a city, where even at this time there is this characteristic high-quality citrus fruit. The symbol of the city due to its name is a great moment in which a giant lemon rests, declared like this since 1963 and still valid in our days. Its surface measures approximately 9.8 km2, of composition totally of earth, with a total absence of bodies of water.
According to the census conducted in the population in 2010, this town had 25,320, having an increase of 402 people in 10 years, assuming that in 2000 the total population was 24,918. Its population density in Lemon Grove according to the estimates of its inhabitants was approximately 6,525.3 people per 2,519.4 km2.
Their multi-racial society is dominated by the presence of Latino with a total percentage of 45.2%, followed closely by the white race with 33.3%, African Americans have 13.8%, 0.9% of Native Americans, 6.3% of Asians, 1.1% of Pacific Islanders, closing with 19.1% of other races and 7.1% of mixed races. With regard to age distributions, their statistics indicate that 25.5% of the population is under age (18 years old), having a 3 percentage higher. From 18 to 24 years old, 10.2% was obtained, 27.3% from 25 to 44 years with the highest percentage of the population, which is decisive for the calculation of the average age, from 45 to 64 years are 25.9% of the population, the second highest and 11.2% represents the presence of the elderly of 65 years and older. These results allow determining that the average age within the population of Lemon Grove is equal to 35 years, being a city markedly feminine since it has an estimate of 95.3 men for every 100 adult women, while for young people it presents a total of 93.6 men for every 100 women.
It has a very well developed transport system, allowing its inhabitants to move around the region in a comfortable and safe way since it has a double track tram and a lateral platform. This line operates efficiently, doing its operations every 15 minutes. This tram was opened in 1989.
Similarly, when leaving the station on Broadway, you can see the monument of the great lemon with a sign that says "The best climate on Earth." Also, if you continue down this street, you can find a lot of shops, among which businesses, offices, are a Starbucks, restaurants, among other places of interest, both for tourists and for the inhabitants in general.
Coronado is a city founded in 1880, being a tourist region and very attractive for both locals and tourists from other countries. It is located on an island that can be connected to land thanks to a tombolo known as Silver Strand. It represents one of the most expensive places to live in all of California and the country, which allows maintaining the margin of personal income quite high.
Its total population for the 2000 census was 24,100 inhabitants, having a slight increase 10 years later in the 2010 census, where the figure reached 24,697 people. Regarding its racial distribution, it can be indicated that the predominance of whites is quite high, representing 81.2% of the total population. In general, the rest of the percentage is divided between 6.8% of African-Americans, 0.8% of Native Americans, 3.7% of Asians, 0.4% of Pacific Islanders, 13.6% of Hispanics, 3.1% of other breeds and a total of 3.9% of mixed breeds.
It was christened Coronado thanks to the explorer Sebastián VizcaÃno, who in addition to mapping the island, the drawing with detail in 1602. In this sense, and after the previous study, carried out in 2012 by the Coastal Research Laboratory, his direct Dr. Stephen Leatherman managed to classify Coronado Beach (Coronado Beach) as the best beach in the entire United States.
Its surface has a definitive area of ​​85 km2, giving it some 20.5 km2 of land and 64 km2 of water, being a predominantly aquatic region with 75.72% of the total territory. Its climate varies between mild and humid winters and hot and dry summers, with January being its coolest month and August and September its warmest months. Most of its rainfall takes place during the winter, so the rest of the year is quite rare and is maintained with periodic drought.
Economically speaking this city has three main hotels: the Coronado Island Marriott, the Coronado Hotel, and the Loews Coronado Bay Resort. In addition, it has other lodging options, both in hotels and inns, available to tourists 365 days a year. It also presents a set of interesting places along the center of Orange Avenue. Shops, restaurants, theaters and many other attractions work as the key to the local economy. It is important to note that its restaurants have a high classification and often offer an exquisite variety of food for all tastes.
Its educational system is wide-ranging, with both public and private options for high society in the locality. It was the headquarters for the base of the United States Navy at the time of the Second World War, where, at present, the Naval Air Station of North Island still works. This area is also known for being the training area of ​​Navy SEALs.
Prefix | Usage | Primary City | Carrier |
619-200- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-201- | Wireless | El Cajon | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-202- | Landline | Boulevard | Level 3 Communications |
619-203- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-204- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-205- | Landline | San Diego | Teleport Communications America |
619-206- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-207- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-208- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-209- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-210- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-212- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-213- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-215- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-216- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-217- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-218- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-219- | Landline | San Diego | Teleport Communications America |
619-220- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-221- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-222- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-223- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-224- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-225- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-226- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-227- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-228- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-229- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-230- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-231- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-232- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-233- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-234- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-235- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-236- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-237- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-238- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-239- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-240- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-241- | Landline | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-242- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-243- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-244- | Wireless | El Cajon | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-245- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-246- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-247- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-248- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-249- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-250- | Wireless | National City | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-251- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-252- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-253- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-254- | Wireless | Chula Vista | T-mobile Usa |
619-255- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-256- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-257- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-258- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-259- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-260- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-261- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-262- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-263- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-264- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-265- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-266- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-267- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-268- | Landline | Dulzura | Teleport Communications America |
619-269- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-270- | Landline | San Diego | Paetec Communications |
619-271- | Landline | Chula Vista | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-272- | Landline | San Diego | Broadvox-clec |
619-273- | Landline | National City | Telscape Communications |
619-274- | Wireless | National City | T-mobile Usa |
619-275- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-276- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-277- | Wireless | El Cajon | T-mobile Usa |
619-278- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-279- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-280- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-281- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-282- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-283- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-284- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-285- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-286- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-287- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-288- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-289- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-290- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-291- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-292- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-293- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-294- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-295- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-296- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-297- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-298- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-299- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-300- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-301- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-302- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-303- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-306- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-307- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-308- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-309- | Landline | San Diego | O1 Communications |
619-310- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-312- | Landline | El Cajon | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-313- | Landline | Coronado | Teleport Communications America |
619-315- | Landline | San Diego | Teleport Communications America |
619-316- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-318- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-319- | Landline | Coronado | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-320- | Landline | Alpine | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-321- | Landline | San Diego | Teleport Communications America |
619-322- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-324- | Landline | Alpine | O1 Communications |
619-325- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-326- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-327- | Landline | National City | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-328- | Landline | El Cajon | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-330- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-331- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-333- | Landline | San Diego | Telcentris Communications |
619-334- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-335- | Landline | San Diego | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-336- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-337- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-338- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-339- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-340- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-341- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-342- | Landline | San Diego | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-344- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-345- | Landline | Dulzura | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-346- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-347- | Wireless | Coronado | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-348- | Landline | San Diego | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
619-350- | Landline | Boulevard | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-351- | Wireless | Chula Vista | American Messaging (am) |
619-352- | Landline | San Diego | O1 Communications |
619-353- | Landline | Boulevard | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-354- | Landline | San Diego | Peerless Network Of California |
619-355- | Wireless | La Mesa | 33 Wireless Inc. |
619-356- | Landline | San Diego | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
619-357- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-358- | Landline | San Diego | AT&T Local |
619-359- | Wireless | San Diego | 365 Wireless |
619-360- | Wireless | El Cajon | American Messaging (am) |
619-361- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-362- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-363- | Landline | San Diego | Bandwidth.com Clec |
619-364- | Landline | San Diego | North County Communications Corp. |
619-365- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-366- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-367- | Landline | Pine Valley | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-368- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-370- | Wireless | Chula Vista | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-371- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-372- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-373- | Landline | San Diego | Centurylink Communications LLC |
619-374- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-375- | Landline | San Diego | Bandwidth.com Clec |
619-376- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-377- | Landline | Pine Valley | Level 3 Communications |
619-378- | Landline | Campo | Level 3 Communications |
619-379- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-381- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-382- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-383- | Landline | San Diego | Centurylink Communications LLC |
619-384- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-386- | Unknown | New Cingular Wireless PCS | |
619-387- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-388- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-390- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-391- | Landline | San Diego | Peerless Network Of California |
619-392- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-393- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-395- | Wireless | Chula Vista | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-397- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-398- | Landline | San Diego | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-399- | Landline | San Diego | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-400- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-401- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-402- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-403- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-405- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-406- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-407- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-408- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-409- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-410- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-412- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-413- | Landline | Boulevard | O1 Communications |
619-414- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-415- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-417- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-418- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-419- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-420- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-421- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-422- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-423- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-424- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-425- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-426- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-427- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-428- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-429- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-430- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-433- | Landline | La Mesa | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-434- | Landline | National City | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-435- | Landline | Coronado | Pacific Bell |
619-436- | Landline | San Diego | Telscape Communications |
619-437- | Landline | Coronado | Pacific Bell |
619-438- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-440- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-441- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-442- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-443- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-444- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-445- | Landline | Alpine | Pacific Bell |
619-446- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-447- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-448- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-449- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-450- | Landline | San Diego | Dmr Communications Inc. |
619-451- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Metro PCS |
619-452- | Wireless | San Diego | T-mobile Usa |
619-453- | Landline | San Diego | 360networks (usa) Inc. |
619-454- | Wireless | La Mesa | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-455- | Unknown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless | |
619-456- | Landline | El Cajon | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-457- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-458- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-459- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-460- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-461- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-462- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-463- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-464- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-465- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-466- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-467- | Landline | La Mesa | Sbc Internet Services |
619-468- | Landline | Dulzura | Pacific Bell |
619-469- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-470- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-471- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-472- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-473- | Landline | Pine Valley | Pacific Bell |
619-474- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-475- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-476- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-477- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-478- | Landline | Campo | Pacific Bell |
619-479- | Landline | National City | Pacific Bell |
619-481- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-482- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-485- | Unknown | Bandwidth.com Clec | |
619-487- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-488- | Landline | San Diego | Curatel |
619-489- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-490- | Landline | San Diego | O1 Communications |
619-491- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-492- | Landline | Dulzura | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-493- | Unknown | Bandwidth.com Clec | |
619-495- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-497- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-498- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-500- | Landline | San Diego | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
619-501- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-502- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-503- | Landline | Campo | O1 Communications |
619-504- | Wireless | El Cajon | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-506- | Wireless | Chula Vista | American Messaging (am) |
619-507- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-508- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-512- | Landline | National City | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-515- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-516- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-517- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-518- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-519- | Wireless | Coronado | T-mobile Usa |
619-520- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-521- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-522- | Landline | Coronado | Pacific Bell |
619-523- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-524- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-525- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-526- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-527- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-528- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-529- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-531- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-532- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-533- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-534- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-535- | Unknown | Level 3 Communications | |
619-537- | Landline | Coronado | Pacific Bell |
619-540- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-542- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-543- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-544- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-545- | Landline | Coronado | Pacific Bell |
619-546- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-548- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-549- | Wireless | San Diego | T-mobile Usa |
619-550- | Landline | San Diego | Neutral Tandem-california |
619-552- | Unknown | Metro PCS | |
619-553- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-554- | Landline | San Diego | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-556- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-557- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-559- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-561- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-562- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-563- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-564- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-565- | Wireless | Chula Vista | T-mobile Usa |
619-566- | Landline | Alpine | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-567- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-568- | Landline | San Diego | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-569- | Wireless | El Cajon | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-571- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-572- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-573- | Landline | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-574- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-575- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-577- | Landline | San Diego | Wide Voice |
619-578- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-579- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-580- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-581- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-582- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-583- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-584- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-585- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-587- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-588- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-589- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-590- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-591- | Landline | Chula Vista | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-592- | Wireless | El Cajon | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-593- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-594- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-595- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-596- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-599- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-600- | Wireless | Chula Vista | T-mobile Usa |
619-602- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-604- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-606- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-607- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-608- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-609- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Networks Services Inc. |
619-610- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-615- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-616- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-618- | Landline | San Diego | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
619-620- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-621- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-623- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-624- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-625- | Landline | Dulzura | O1 Communications |
619-628- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-630- | Landline | San Diego | Bandwidth.com Clec |
619-631- | Landline | El Cajon | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-632- | Wireless | San Diego | T-mobile Usa |
619-633- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-634- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-637- | Landline | Pine Valley | O1 Communications |
619-638- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-639- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-640- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-641- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-644- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-645- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-646- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-647- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-649- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-651- | Landline | Chula Vista | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-652- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-654- | Wireless | El Cajon | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-655- | Wireless | El Cajon | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-656- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-659- | Landline | Alpine | Pacific Bell |
619-660- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-661- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-662- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-663- | Landline | El Cajon | Ymax Communications Corp. |
619-664- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-665- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-666- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-667- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-668- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-669- | Landline | Jamul | Pacific Bell |
619-670- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-671- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-672- | Wireless | El Cajon | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-674- | Wireless | San Diego | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-675- | Wireless | Coronado | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-677- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-680- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-681- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-682- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-683- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-684- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-685- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-686- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-687- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-688- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-690- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-691- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-692- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-694- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-696- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-697- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-698- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-699- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-701- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-702- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-704- | Landline | San Diego | Cbeyond Communications |
619-708- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-709- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-710- | Landline | Chula Vista | Pacific Bell |
619-713- | Landline | La Mesa | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-715- | Wireless | El Cajon | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-717- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-718- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-719- | Landline | San Diego | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-720- | Landline | San Diego | Neutral Tandem-california |
619-721- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-722- | Landline | Alpine | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-723- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-725- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-726- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-727- | Landline | San Diego | Utility Telephone |
619-729- | Wireless | El Cajon | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-730- | Landline | Chula Vista | Ymax Communications Corp. |
619-732- | Landline | San Diego | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
619-733- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-734- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-735- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-737- | Landline | Chula Vista | Telscape Communications |
619-739- | Landline | San Diego | AT&T Local |
619-740- | Landline | La Mesa | Pacific Bell |
619-741- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-742- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-743- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-744- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-746- | Wireless | Chula Vista | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-747- | Landline | Boulevard | North County Communications Corp. |
619-749- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-750- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-752- | Landline | San Diego | Bandwidth.com Clec |
619-754- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-755- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-756- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-757- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-758- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-760- | Landline | San Diego | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-761- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-764- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Centrex Services |
619-765- | Landline | San Diego | Onvoy |
619-766- | Landline | Boulevard | Pacific Bell |
619-767- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-768- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-770- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-772- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-773- | Landline | National City | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-774- | Landline | Dulzura | North County Communications Corp. |
619-777- | Landline | San Diego | Telcentris Communications |
619-778- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-779- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-780- | Wireless | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-781- | Landline | San Diego | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
619-783- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-784- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-785- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-786- | Landline | San Diego | Bandwidth.com Clec |
619-787- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-788- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-789- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-790- | Landline | Pine Valley | Xo California |
619-791- | Landline | San Diego | Teleport Communications America |
619-792- | Wireless | El Cajon | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-793- | Wireless | San Diego | T-mobile Usa |
619-794- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-795- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-796- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-797- | Landline | San Diego | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-798- | Landline | San Diego | Telcentris Communications |
619-799- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
619-800- | Landline | San Diego | Vaya Telecom |
619-801- | Wireless | San Diego | 33 Wireless Inc. |
619-802- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-804- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-805- | Landline | San Diego | O1 Communications |
619-806- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-807- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-808- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-809- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging Services |
619-810- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-813- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-814- | Landline | San Diego | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-816- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-817- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-818- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-819- | Landline | San Diego | Paetec Communications |
619-820- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-821- | Landline | San Diego | Centurylink Communications LLC |
619-822- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-823- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-824- | Landline | Campo | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-825- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-826- | Landline | Dulzura | Sbc Internet Services |
619-827- | Landline | Chula Vista | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-828- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-829- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-831- | Wireless | San Diego | T-mobile Usa |
619-835- | Landline | San Diego | North County Communications Corp. |
619-836- | Landline | San Diego | Bandwidth.com Clec |
619-838- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-839- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-840- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-841- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-842- | Landline | Pine Valley | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
619-843- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-846- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-847- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-849- | Landline | San Diego | Teleport Communications America |
619-850- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-851- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-852- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-855- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-857- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-858- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-861- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-862- | Landline | Chula Vista | Xo California |
619-863- | Landline | San Diego | O1 Communications |
619-864- | Landline | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-865- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-866- | Wireless | Pacific Beach | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-867- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-868- | Landline | Campo | North County Communications Corp. |
619-869- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-870- | Landline | San Diego | Level 3 Communications |
619-871- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-872- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-873- | Landline | San Diego | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
619-876- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-878- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-881- | Landline | San Diego | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
619-882- | Wireless | San Diego | T-mobile Usa |
619-884- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-885- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-886- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-887- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-888- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-889- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-890- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-891- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-892- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-893- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-894- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-895- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-896- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-897- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-898- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-899- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-900- | Landline | National City | Telcentris Communications |
619-903- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-905- | Wireless | El Cajon | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-906- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-908- | Landline | San Diego | Pacific Bell |
619-910- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-912- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-913- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-916- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-917- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-920- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-921- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-922- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-923- | Wireless | San Diego | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-924- | Landline | San Diego | Peerless Network Of California |
619-925- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-926- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-928- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-929- | Landline | San Diego | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-930- | Landline | San Diego | Rclec |
619-931- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-933- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-934- | Landline | San Diego | Cox California Telcom, L.l.c. |
619-937- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-938- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-940- | Landline | San Diego | Tcast Communications |
619-941- | Landline | Chula Vista | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
619-942- | Wireless | Chula Vista | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-944- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-946- | Landline | Chula Vista | Xo California |
619-947- | Wireless | Chula Vista | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-948- | Wireless | Chula Vista | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-952- | Landline | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-954- | Wireless | San Diego | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
619-955- | Landline | San Diego | Xo California |
619-956- | Landline | El Cajon | Pacific Bell |
619-957- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-960- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-961- | Landline | San Diego | Mpower Communications Corp |
619-962- | Wireless | National City | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-964- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-965- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging (am) |
619-966- | Landline | San Diego | O1 Communications |
619-968- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-969- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-970- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-971- | Wireless | El Cajon | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-972- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-973- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-976- | Unknown | North County Communications Corp. | |
619-977- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-978- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-979- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-980- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-981- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-982- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-985- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-986- | Wireless | San Diego | American Messaging Services |
619-987- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-988- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-989- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-990- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-991- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-992- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-993- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-994- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-995- | Wireless | San Diego | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
619-996- | Landline | Coronado | Pac - West Telecomm |
619-997- | Wireless | San Diego | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
619-998- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
619-999- | Wireless | San Diego | Usa Mobility Wireless |
- Area Code 201-New Jersey
- Area Code 202-District of Columbia
- Area Code 203-Connecticut
- Area Code 206-Washington
- Area Code 210-Texas
- Area Code 213-California
- Area Code 214-Texas
- Area Code 240-Maryland
- Area Code 267-Pennsylvania
- Area Code 281-Texas
- Area Code 305-Florida
- Area Code 310-California
- Area Code 312-Illinois
- Area Code 314-Missouri
- Area Code 317-Indiana
- Area Code 323-California
- Area Code 347-New York
- Area Code 404-Georgia
- Area Code 407-Florida
- Area Code 408-California
- Area Code 412-Pennsylvania
- Area Code 415-California
- Area Code 443-Maryland
- Area Code 480-Arizona
- Area Code 503-Oregon
- Area Code 510-California
- Area Code 512-Texas
- Area Code 516-New York
- Area Code 561-Florida
- Area Code 602-Arizona
- Area Code 614-Ohio
- Area Code 615-Tennessee
- Area Code 617-Massachusetts
- Area Code 619-California
- Area Code 646-New York
- Area Code 678-Georgia
- Area Code 702-Nevada
- Area Code 703-Virginia
- Area Code 704-North Carolina
- Area Code 707-California
- Area Code 714-California
- Area Code 720-Colorado
- Area Code 757-Virginia
- Area Code 760-California
- Area Code 770-Georgia
- Area Code 786-Florida
- Area Code 805-California
- Area Code 813-Florida
- Area Code 817-Texas
- Area Code 818-California
- Area Code 832-Texas
- Area Code 904-Florida
- Area Code 909-California
- Area Code 916-California
- Area Code 919-North Carolina
- Area Code 949-California
- Area Code 954-Florida
- Area Code 972-Texas