Area Code 510 Location - California
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Area Code 510 Map and Location
Area Code 510, California Cities, Neighborhoods and Local Features
- Alameda
- Berkeley
- Castro Valley
- El Cerrito
- Fremont
- Hayward
- Newark
- Oakland
- Richmond
- San Leandro
- San Lorenzo
- San Pablo
- Union City
California Limiting with the Pacific of the EEUU, is the state of California, with 39.5 million residents, it is the most populated state in the nation and the third largest in terms of area, after Texas and Alaska. Sacramento is the state capital. It also highlights that it has the most populated county in the US. UU, Los Angeles County; the fifth most densely populated, San Francisco and the largest county by area, San Bernardino County.
Its economy is bigger than that of any other state: 2.8 trillion dollars. In fact, if California were a country it would occupy the fifth place in terms of world economies, it would have a more powerful economy than France or England and it would occupy the 36th place in terms of the most populated regions of the world, starting in 2017 The state of California is the 2nd most populated region of the Western Hemisphere and of America, surpassed only by the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. The population of the state of California is only less than that of 34 countries worldwide.
The state of California is bordered to the north by the state of Oregon, to the south by the Mexican state of Baja California and to the east by Arizona and Nevada. Being a state that creates global trends, California is at the forefront of popular culture, politics, and innovation. In this state the anti-hippie culture began, it has been the cradle of American cinematography, the development of the internet and personal computing, among other advances.
Geographically, it is common and common for California to be divided into two large regions; Southern California comprising 10 counties and the northern region comprising 48 counties. In the center of the state is the Central Valley which is the agricultural and productive heart of California, bounded on the south by the Tehachapi Mountains, on the west by the Coastal Cordilleras, on the north by the Cascade Range and on the east by the Sierra Nevada. Agriculture is a very important sector in the economy of California, the production and sale in the agricultural sector practically quadrupled in the last decades: 7,300 million Dollars in 1974 to 31,000 million dollars in 2004 and it is evident that it continues to grow.
After the national census of 2010, a population growth of 5.4% was established by the year 2016, which by the end of 2018 could easily place the population above 40 million with an estimated projection of more than 50 million residents by the year 2055.
All this makes California a very promising state in terms of development and social, economic and cultural growth. California in its diversity has rich and varied ecosystems that include the protection of threatened ecological communities.
In the mid-1800s Gold Rush attracted more than 90,000 Americans to these lands in search of the precious metal, perhaps for this reason is also known as the State of California The Golden State, (The Golden State). In other areas of the Californian economy, 5 large employers sectors stand out, namely: Government; education and health services; hospitality, leisure, and hospitality; professional and commercial services: commerce, transport, and public services. The productive services are divided into 6 sectors that, in order of income generation, are divided as follows: Financial services; Commerce; Public and transportation services; Health and Education Services; Government and finally Tourism.
California has, almost in its entirety, a high and efficient structure ready for tourism whether the tourist goes to learn about wines in the Napa Valley, to enjoy large and modern crops in the Central Valley, discover the latest in information technology and the highest technology in Silicon Valley, however, the resort par excellence is located in Los Angeles. There you can find places of family recreation such as theme parks or public, guided tours, museums, beaches and infinity of places for all tastes in which they can recreate.
Alameda. Founded in 1853, it is a city of California located on the Bay Farm Islands (Harbor Bay Island) and Alameda, east of San Francisco and south of Oakland, it extends over an area of ​​23 square miles, over the Bay from San Francisco. It is also known as "The Island City".
The original name was Quercus agrifolia forest, it was not until 1853 that the city adopted the name of Alameda by popular choice of its inhabitants. The name refers to a large number of poplar trees in the area.
According to the census of the year 2,017, the city is home to 79,928 inhabitants, approximately, distributed in a population density of 3,214 inhabitants per square mile, and with a racial composition predominated by whites and Asians. According to the statistics, the average income per family of the inhabitants of Alameda is around 74,606 dollars.
The climate of the zone is pleasant, with warm summers, which are not usually hot and cool winters that in few occasions have presented snowfalls. La Alameda played a fundamental role in the creation of fun icons such as ice cream popsicles and cones, in the decades of the 20's and 30's, which were sold massively on the beach Neptuno (currently known as Crab Cove), in an amusement park that was the main attraction of the inhabitants of the place.
The marina plays a recreational character, a site dedicated to mental health care and addictions is currently under construction, by proposals of the Veterans Administration of the country, and however, the project has had considerable delays due to problems with respect to the location of this center.
The liquor, wine and beer industry has been a determining factor for the city's economy since the end of the 1970s. Alameda is a "charter" city, which means that it has the peculiarity of a governmental system that is not governed by the general laws of the United States, but that is defined by an own document constitutive of the city. In terms of education, there are a large number of public schools and a private secondary school.
Alameda is a city of easy access through bridges and conduits, has the peculiarity of having the only bridge in the United States for pedestrian and bicycle use. The city offers several options of public transport, buses, ferries and the system of public transport of rapid transit better known as BART, for its acronym in English.
Alameda represents an excellent option for activities related to windsurfing, given its proximity to the bay. One of the main attractions in the city is the boat museum installed on the USS Hornet aircraft carrier, you can also visit the High Scores Arcade Museum, relax at the Subpar Miniature Golf, enjoy at the Theater & Cineplex, participate in festivals on Park Street or Webster Street, attend the theater of Altarena or enjoy music and dance at the Rhythmix Cultural Works. It is the home city of the Oakland Raiders. The football team has its main offices in the area.
It is common in the area to appreciate Victorian architecture, many buildings have retained the style, which gives a peculiar character to the city as does the Historic Park Street, which is its financial district and is dominated by buildings of 1,800, which preserve its architecture to this day. This street contrasts between its old buildings and the wide range of shops, restaurants, bars and night spots
One of the peculiarities of the city is that it has the second longest and oldest parade on July 4 in the country, where the ingenuity and creativity of its inhabitants are displayed in a display of great production and tradition.
Oakland city located in the west of San Francisco Bay is the commercial center of the entire area with the busiest port. It is one of the largest cities that house a population of approximately 412,040 inhabitants. Like Alameda, it is a charter city.
It presented a significant increase in its population in the year 1906 after the San Francisco earthquake. The great mobilization of people brought the plague to the region, which is the most affected throughout the state of California.
One of its main characteristics is its zeal in the use of self-sustaining technologies based on the use of its renewable resources. Another of its characteristics is the great ethnic and sexual diversity of the inhabitants who live there, living in perfect harmony, establishing relationships based on respect.
It is home to several professional sports teams such as the Oakland Athletics, Golden State Warriors, and Oakland Raiders, so everything related to the world of sport generates significant revenue for the city, as does the domestic products industry. General Motors played a major role in the development of the city's economy, as did Fageol Motors Company and companies such as the Moore Dry Dock Company gained strength during the war.
However, its main source of income comes from the port, which is one of the pioneers in the development of technologies to facilitate and optimize cargo transport. Tourism is another important source of income for the city, its growing hotel industry evidence increases for the economy, mainly due to its vibrant nightlife.
The city offers free guided tours to many parks, museums, and recreation centers. It has several churches and cult sites of great architectural beauty and interesting history.
For the years that make up the decade of 1850 there was a massive wave of people from China, who, escaping the onslaught of war, settled the Oakland looking for a better life, however, were segregated by the population that lived in the city ​​and confined to a small area of ​​it, thus giving rise to what is still known as China Town.
Account, as in almost all of California, with a seasonal Mediterranean climate, it is home to two of the official meteorological stations in the United States. It has one of the highest rates of university education and income in the country with an average of $59,459 per family. He has access to several public and private institutions. In the city are located several universities and renowned colleges.
Despite this, it has shown a high crime rate, for which containment plans have been launched that has yielded positive results with constant low crimes. The world of art and entertainment has its place in the city of Oakland, generating the largest number of artists in the country, being the home of renowned musician’s exponents of diverse styles, mainly Jazz and Blues, as well as serving as a space for important galleries.
San Pablo city is located between Richmond and Pinole, was originally inhabited by the Ohlone people and later was the scene of the Spanish settlements. It is a city that has managed to maintain the balance between its residential character and being a business center.
With an approximate population of 29,140 inhabitants, in an area of ​​2.6 square miles, San Pablo sits on the northern point of the Berkey Hills, in a plain of sedimentary soils. It has a population density equivalent to 11,063.4 inhabitants per square mile, or what is equal to 4,271.6 inhabitants per square kilometer.
One of the characteristics of the city is that it is crossed by three streams, the Rheem Creek, the San Pablo Creek and the Wildcat Creek. Under its soils, the Hayward fault passes through a part of the city.
Its official language is English, although almost half of the population also uses the Spanish language. It has a good public transport system, with several buses that run through the city and make interurban routes, it has a BRT line and Transbay also provides its services.
San Pablo is the headquarters of Contra Costa College that offers a successful program of nursing and high-level computing. It is the center for scientific excellence whose aim is to urge women and students of color to immerse themselves in the world of sciences in their different specialties. It also has one of the most important newspapers that have won several journalism prizes in the written press. It is also recognized for having one of the best debate and speech teams in the country. The city is also home to several community colleges.
The University Center in El Portal represents a fundamental part of the economic development of the city. San Pablo's main employers are the San Pablo casino, which represents a great attraction for locals and visitors as it is located within an indigenous reserve, the Doctors Medical Center, a pioneer center in the treatment of patients with cancer and accidents of the county and of course the Contra Costa College.
Berkeley is located on the east coast of San Francisco Bay, in the north of Alameda County and its name is due to Bishop George Berkeley. The city is bordered on the south by the cities of Oakland and Emeryville, on the north by the cities of Albany and Kensington, on the east by the county on the coast.
Berkley is famous for the University of California that also owns the famous Botanical Garden developed on an extension of 34 acres and the national laboratory Lawrence Berkley, which is also operated and administered by the university. Another training center that has the city, is the Graduate Theological Union, considered one of the largest centers of religious studies in the world.
Berkeley, compared to other cities in the US UU It is one of the most socially liberal. It is interesting to mention that Berkley owns the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, which itself is a very beautiful architectural work, where it is possible to appreciate good movies, plays, conferences and an excellent cafeteria where you can have a good time and talk about a good movie or the exhibition visited.
In addition, the museum has two movie theaters, a reading room, four study centers for art and cinema, a square with an outdoor LED screen. The museum has an annual average of 20 exhibitions and more than 400 film screenings. Other activities to see and enjoy in Berkley are: Museum of Paleontology, Aquatic Park, Tilden Regional Park, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley Marina, Indian Rock Park, Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology and Telegraph Avenue where it is possible to get musicians and street performers, restaurants, bars, it is a very busy 3 km avenue that brings together locals and tourists at any time of day and night.
Richmond. This city is located in the East Bay, in California, specifically in the western part of Contra Costa County, bordered with El Cerrito, Pinole, Albany and San Pablo. It has the peculiarity of extending between two bays, that of San Pablo and that of San Francisco a feature that shares with San Rafael.
Share name with the city of Richmond located in Virginia. Like most of the surrounding cities, its first inhabitants were indigenous Native Americans of the Ohlone tribe; the area played an important role in railway development by serving as a yard of machinery and being the headquarters of The Pullman Company, a dedicated company to the manufacture of wagons.
It has an estimated population of 107,701 inhabitants, who are established along the 52.5 square miles that make up the city with a population density equivalent to 1,976 inhabitants per square mile. Its general climate, like that of all of California, is pleasant throughout the year, with Mediterranean characteristics. It is composed of microclimates that develop in small variations of temperature throughout its extension.
In Richmond, you can enjoy the annual spectacle that the geese that migrate from Canada like the monarch butterflies give. The city has a large number of wildlife including mammals, birds, and reptiles. Here you can find specimens of the Olympia oyster. Although it is possible to fish in its dock, it is necessary to manage a permit.
The city presents environmental problems, is the site of several refineries, the air, and water of the region have been contaminated over time in various disasters and bad policies in waste management, this led to the city being sued by groups in favor of the environment who manifest great concern about the situation and to conserve the humid pastures, which is one of the last remaining in the country.
Another problem with the city is its high crime rate, which, despite the efforts the government has made, fluctuates without showing significant improvements. This has made the city is listed as one of the most dangerous in the country.
As expected, the refinery industry represents one of the main economic incomes of the region, as does the casino business. There are eight sites for the sale of cannabis in the city that still represents some problems in terms of the legality of business and the distribution of products. It has several educational institutions. Due to the high rate of obesity, schools banned the sale of junk food. It has several parks, museums, galleries and places of interest that you can visit. The celebration of May five is one of its greatest attractions.
Fremont city is located in the southeastern southeast region of the San Francisco Bay Area. It has presented an exponential growth of its population in recent years, which is estimated at 230,000 inhabitants and is home to a large number of people from Afghan origin. It borders Silicon Valley and East Bay.
Fremont is at the forefront in the area of ​​the technology industry since the 1980s when the first personal computer was manufactured in the Apple factory. The city since then has been the mecca of technology. The automotive industry also generated significant revenue for the city; such is the case of companies such as General Motors, which was at the time the largest employer. The production and assembly of vehicles were enhanced in the city generating more sources of employment and economic gains.
Fremont is a city that has known how to adapt to the needs of human and urban development, thinking about the welfare of the environment, it is a pioneer in the area of ​​green technologies. Its biggest representative at the time was Solyndra, a company recognized by the government of the United States as a role model, dedicated to the manufacture of solar panels, however, poor management led to bankruptcy.
It has several districts: Centerville, Niles, Irvington, San Jose, Warm Spring, Central, North, South, Industrial Baysides, Baylands, and Hill, where you can find residential areas, industrial areas, destinations for tourism, art exhibitions and much more.
It has a pleasant Mediterranean climate. It is home to several successful companies. The industrial zone is home to companies such as S3 Graphics, Ikanos Communications, the Nielsen Norman Group, SYNNEX, Lam Research and even renowned banking institutions such as Fremont Bank, which represent the productive and economic engine of the city.
It has a special attraction for its large green areas and variety of museums. The city has several parks and more than 55,000 trees in its entire area. It has access to several educational institutions of all levels. The Tak Fudenna stadium is fundamental for the development of activities related to sports and ceremonies of various institutions.
Newark city is surrounded by Fremont. It extends from an area of ​​13.9 square miles and is home to approximately 44,205 inhabitants, its name is due to the Castle of the same name located in Scotland.
It is a city that has been characterized by its great productive capacity. It shares its economy with Silicon Valley. One of the main companies in the area is dedicated to the salt refinery, the Cargill Salt. The manufacture of stoves also represented an important source of economic income for the city at the beginning of the 20th century. The production of trucks and water heaters were also important for its economic development. Currently, the regional shopping center called New Park Mall is one of the main sources of employment in the city, earning significant economic gains, being also a relevant site for entertainment and enjoyment of its inhabitants, where you can make purchases, eat in various restaurants, cafes, or have a fun time.
By the year 2010, it had a population density of 3,063 people per square mile with a predominantly white racial composition, with an average age of 35.4 among its inhabitants, evidence, and an average of $69,350 of income per household.
There are several sports facilities and spaces for community activities such as parks, an aquatic center for the whole family with swimming pools for both enjoyment and rehabilitation and physical conditioning. The Natatorium is one of the main attractions of the city, has four swimming pools that offer activities with set times, slides and even a spa to relax.
The city offers several volunteers in order to preserve the good condition of the city and its coexistence in healthy peace. You can be part of them individually or join a group. Its climate is typical of the Mediterranean, warm and pleasant. Within its extension is part of Don Edwards San Francisco Bay, which is a national refuge for wildlife.
In the month of September, during 4 days, the Newark Days is celebrated, in commemoration of the founding of Newark. It has good access to public transportation, from buses to the railroad. It is close to several universities and is home to the new campus of Ohlone College; it also has several elementary and high schools.
San Leandro is a boundary town of Alameda County, between Hayward and Oakland, characterized by hills and an aquifer. Share the system of government with several cities of the county, as it is a charter city.
This thriving city, for the year 2000, according to statistics, the city showed per capita income equivalent to $23,895 with a population index below the poverty line equivalent to 4.5 percent.
Several companies destined to process food have chosen San Leandro as their headquarters, as well as corporations such as Ghirardelli, JanSport, Otis Spunkmeye, Coca-Cola and subsidiaries of Kraft food. In the city, there are several shopping centers that are a source of economic income and employment for many of its inhabitants.
As of the year 2011, the San Leandro Lit was installed in the city, which is a complete fiber optic circuit that is available to commercial customers but is expected in the near future, accessible to all residents. It also consolidates as an eco-friendly city by having a building dedicated to the electricity company that depends entirely on green energy. It has important medical and psychiatric centers that pay attention not only to its inhabitants but to all the United States, being a reference for other countries.
In the city, there are two school districts and it is the headquarters of one of the schools cataloged as the best in the county, the James Madison, of primary education. It has award-winning educational programs and renowned academics in the areas of multimedia, business, and social justice. San Leandro is a city that has shown significant and continuous progress and improvements at an educational level, positioning it as an excellent option for academic training that attracts many people.
Among the greatest attractions offered by the city, in terms of recreation and recreation, the potential lies in its parks, San Leandro is also responsible for the maintenance of other parks in the county. It has community centers for the whole family and even one that specializes in caring for the elderly.
Prefix | Usage | Primary City | Carrier |
510-200- | Wireless | Hayward | Metro PCS |
510-201- | Landline | Oakland | Peerless Network Of California |
510-202- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-204- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-205- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-206- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-207- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-208- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-209- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-210- | Landline | San Francisco | Clec |
510-212- | Wireless | Fremont | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-213- | Wireless | Oakland | T-mobile Usa |
510-214- | Landline | San Francisco | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-215- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-216- | Wireless | Fremont | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-217- | Landline | San Francisco | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-218- | Wireless | Fremont | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-219- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-220- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-221- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-222- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-223- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-224- | Wireless | Hercules | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-225- | Landline | San Francisco | Allegiance Telecom |
510-226- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-227- | Landline | Oakland | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-228- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-229- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-230- | Wireless | Richmond | T-mobile Usa |
510-231- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-232- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-233- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-234- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-235- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-236- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-237- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-238- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-239- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-240- | Landline | Union City | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-242- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-243- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-244- | Landline | Hayward | Clec |
510-245- | Landline | Hercules | Pacific Bell |
510-246- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-247- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-248- | Landline | Fremont | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-249- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-250- | Landline | Oakland | Broadwing Communications |
510-251- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-252- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-253- | Landline | Richmond | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-254- | Landline | San Francisco | Level 3 Communications |
510-255- | Landline | Richmond | Clec |
510-256- | Landline | Walnut Creek | O1 Communications |
510-257- | Landline | Fremont | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-258- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-259- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-260- | Landline | Oakland | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-261- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-262- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-263- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-264- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-265- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-266- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-267- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-268- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-269- | Landline | San Francisco | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-270- | Landline | Sunnyvale | Brooks Fiber Communications Of California |
510-271- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-272- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-273- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-274- | Landline | Hayward | Utility Telephone |
510-275- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-276- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-277- | Landline | Oakland | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-278- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-279- | Landline | Fremont | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-280- | Landline | Berkeley | Xo California |
510-281- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-282- | Wireless | Oakland | T-mobile Usa |
510-283- | Landline | El Sobrante | Allegiance Telecom |
510-284- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-285- | Landline | San Francisco | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-286- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-287- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-288- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-289- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-290- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-291- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-292- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-293- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-294- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-295- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-296- | Landline | Hercules | Level 3 Communications |
510-297- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-298- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-299- | Wireless | Fremont | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-300- | Landline | Hayward | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
510-301- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-302- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-303- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-304- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-305- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-306- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-307- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-308- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-310- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-312- | Wireless | Hayward | American Messaging (am) |
510-313- | Landline | Hercules | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-314- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-315- | Landline | Hayward | Broadwing Communications |
510-316- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-317- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-318- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-320- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-321- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-322- | Landline | Hercules | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-323- | Landline | Richmond | Xo California |
510-324- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-325- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-326- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-327- | Landline | Hercules | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-328- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-329- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-331- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-332- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-333- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-334- | Wireless | Richmond | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-335- | Landline | Fremont | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
510-336- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-337- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-338- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-339- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-340- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-342- | Landline | Hayward | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-343- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-344- | Landline | Fremont | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-346- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-347- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-348- | Wireless | Oakland | 33 Wireless Inc. |
510-349- | Wireless | Richmond | American Messaging (am) |
510-350- | Landline | Oakland | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-351- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-352- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-353- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-354- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-355- | Landline | Oakland | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-356- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-357- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-358- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-359- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-360- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-362- | Wireless | Hayward | T-mobile Usa |
510-363- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-364- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-365- | Wireless | Berkeley | T-mobile Usa |
510-366- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-367- | Wireless | Richmond | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-368- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-370- | Landline | Hayward | Peerless Network Of California |
510-371- | Wireless | Fremont | Level 3 Communications |
510-372- | Landline | Hayward | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-373- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-374- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-375- | Wireless | San Francisco | T-mobile Usa |
510-376- | Wireless | Fremont | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-377- | Wireless | Fremont | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-378- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-379- | Landline | Oakland | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-380- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-381- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-382- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-383- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-384- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-385- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-386- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-387- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-388- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-389- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-390- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-391- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-392- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-393- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-394- | Landline | Oakland | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-395- | Landline | Oakland | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-396- | Wireless | Fremont | T-mobile Usa |
510-397- | Landline | Hayward | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-398- | Landline | Hayward | Clec |
510-400- | Landline | Fremont | Xo California |
510-401- | Landline | Union City | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-402- | Landline | Fremont | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-403- | Landline | Fremont | Mpower Networks Services Inc. |
510-404- | Landline | Union City | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-405- | Landline | Fremont | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-406- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-407- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-408- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-409- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-410- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-412- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-413- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-414- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-415- | Wireless | Hayward | T-mobile Usa |
510-416- | Landline | Berkeley | North County Communications Corp. |
510-417- | Wireless | El Sobrante | T-mobile Usa |
510-418- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-419- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-420- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-421- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-423- | Landline | Oakland | Paetec Communications |
510-425- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-426- | Wireless | Richmond | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-427- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-428- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-429- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-430- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-431- | Landline | Union City | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-432- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-433- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-434- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-435- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-436- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-437- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-438- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-439- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-440- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-441- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-442- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-443- | Landline | Fremont | Peerless Network Of California |
510-444- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-445- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-446- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-447- | Wireless | Richmond | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-448- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-449- | Landline | Fremont | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-450- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-451- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-452- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-453- | Wireless | Fremont | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-454- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-455- | Wireless | Crockett | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-456- | Landline | San Jose | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
510-457- | Landline | Oakland | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-459- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-460- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-461- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-463- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-464- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-465- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-466- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-467- | Landline | Oakland | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-468- | Wireless | Fremont | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-469- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-470- | Landline | Hayward | Clec |
510-471- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-472- | Wireless | Oakland | Metro PCS |
510-473- | Landline | San Francisco | Allegiance Telecom |
510-474- | Landline | Union City | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-475- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-476- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-477- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-478- | Landline | San Francisco | Allegiance Telecom |
510-479- | Landline | San Francisco | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-480- | Wireless | El Sobrante | T-mobile Usa |
510-481- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-482- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-483- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-484- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-485- | Landline | Oakland | Metro PCS |
510-486- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-487- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-488- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-489- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-490- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-491- | Landline | Union City | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-492- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-493- | Landline | Fremont | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-494- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-495- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-496- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-497- | Landline | Fremont | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-498- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-499- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-500- | Landline | Oakland | Xo California |
510-501- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-502- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-503- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-504- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-505- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-506- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-507- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-508- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-509- | Landline | Fremont | Level 3 Communications |
510-512- | Landline | Hayward | T-mobile Usa |
510-515- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-516- | Landline | Fremont | Clec |
510-517- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-520- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-521- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-522- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-523- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-524- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-525- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-526- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-527- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-528- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-529- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-530- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-531- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-532- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-533- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-534- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-535- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-536- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-537- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-538- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-539- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-540- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-541- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-542- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-543- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-544- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-545- | Landline | Oakland | Xo California |
510-546- | Wireless | Berkeley | American Messaging Services |
510-547- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-548- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-549- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-550- | Landline | Oakland | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-551- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-552- | Wireless | Fremont | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-553- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-554- | Wireless | Hayward | 33 Wireless Inc. |
510-556- | Unknown | Level 3 Communications | |
510-557- | Wireless | Fremont | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-558- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-559- | Landline | Albany | Pacific Bell |
510-560- | Unknown | Comcast Phone Of California | |
510-562- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-563- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-564- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-565- | Landline | Fremont | T-mobile Usa |
510-566- | Landline | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-567- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-568- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-569- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-572- | Landline | Fremont | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-573- | Landline | Fremont | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-574- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-575- | Landline | Oakland | Metro PCS |
510-576- | Landline | Hayward | Xo California |
510-577- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-578- | Landline | Fremont | Xo California |
510-579- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-580- | Landline | Fremont | Xo California |
510-581- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-582- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-583- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-584- | Landline | Hayward | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-585- | Landline | Fremont | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-586- | Landline | Hayward | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-587- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-588- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-589- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-590- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-591- | Wireless | Hayward | American Messaging Services |
510-592- | Landline | Hercules | Broadwing Communications |
510-593- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-594- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-595- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-596- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-597- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-598- | Wireless | Fremont | T-mobile Usa |
510-599- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-600- | Landline | Hayward | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
510-601- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-604- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-606- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-608- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-610- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-612- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-613- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-614- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-615- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-618- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-619- | Landline | San Francisco | Broadwing Communications |
510-620- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-621- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-622- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-623- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-624- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-625- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-627- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-628- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-629- | Landline | Oakland | Level 3 Communications |
510-630- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-632- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-633- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-635- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-636- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-637- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-638- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-639- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-641- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-642- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-643- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-644- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-645- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-646- | Landline | San Francisco | Clec |
510-647- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-648- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-649- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-651- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-652- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-653- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-654- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-655- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-656- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-657- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-658- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-659- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-661- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-662- | Landline | El Sobrante | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-663- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-664- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-665- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-666- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-667- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-668- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-669- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-670- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-671- | Landline | San Francisco | Clec |
510-672- | Wireless | Richmond | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-673- | Wireless | Fremont | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-675- | Landline | Union City | Pacific Bell |
510-676- | Wireless | Fremont | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-677- | Landline | Hayward | Metro PCS |
510-678- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-680- | Landline | Richmond | Centurylink Communications LLC |
510-681- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-682- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-683- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-684- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-685- | Wireless | Richmond | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-686- | Landline | San Leandro | Sbc Internet Services |
510-687- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-688- | Landline | Hayward | T-mobile Usa |
510-689- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-690- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-691- | Wireless | Hercules | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-692- | Landline | Oakland | Metro PCS |
510-693- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-695- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-697- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-698- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-699- | Wireless | Oakland | 33 Wireless Inc. |
510-701- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-702- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-703- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-704- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-705- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-706- | Wireless | Hayward | Metro PCS |
510-708- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-709- | Landline | Fremont | O1 Communications |
510-710- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-712- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-713- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-714- | Wireless | Fremont | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-715- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-716- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-717- | Wireless | Berkeley | T-mobile Usa |
510-718- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-719- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-720- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-721- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-722- | Landline | Crockett | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-723- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-724- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-725- | Landline | Walnut Creek | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-727- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-728- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-729- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-730- | Landline | San Francisco | Clec |
510-731- | Landline | Hayward | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-732- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-733- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-734- | Wireless | Richmond | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-735- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-736- | Wireless | Hayward | T-mobile Usa |
510-739- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-740- | Landline | Oakland | Xo California |
510-741- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-742- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-743- | Landline | Fremont | Xo California |
510-744- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-745- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-746- | Landline | Oakland | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
510-747- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-748- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-749- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-750- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-751- | Landline | Hayward | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-752- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-754- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-755- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-757- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-758- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-759- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-760- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-761- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-763- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-764- | Landline | San Francisco | Broadwing Communications |
510-765- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-768- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-769- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-770- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-771- | Landline | Fremont | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-772- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-773- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-774- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-775- | Landline | San Francisco | Clec |
510-776- | Wireless | Richmond | Metro PCS |
510-777- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-778- | Landline | Richmond | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-779- | Landline | El Sobrante | Broadwing Communications |
510-780- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-781- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-782- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-783- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-784- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-785- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-786- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-787- | Landline | Crockett | Pacific Bell |
510-788- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-789- | Landline | Fremont | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-790- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-791- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-792- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-793- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-794- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-795- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-796- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-797- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-798- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-799- | Landline | Hercules | Pacific Bell |
510-800- | Landline | San Francisco | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
510-801- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-802- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-803- | Landline | Hercules | Xo California |
510-805- | Wireless | Oakland | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-808- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-809- | Landline | Berkeley | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
510-810- | Wireless | Berkeley | Usa Mobility Wireless |
510-812- | Wireless | Berkeley | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-813- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-814- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-815- | Wireless | El Sobrante | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-816- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-817- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-818- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-819- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging Services |
510-821- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-823- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-824- | Landline | Fremont | Allegiance Telecom |
510-825- | Wireless | Hayward | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-827- | Landline | San Francisco | Metro PCS |
510-828- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-830- | Landline | Alameda | O1 Communications |
510-832- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-834- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-835- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-836- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-837- | Landline | Richmond | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-838- | Landline | San Francisco | Clec |
510-839- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-840- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging (am) |
510-841- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-842- | Landline | San Francisco | Allegiance Telecom |
510-843- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-844- | Landline | Oakland | Allegiance Telecom |
510-845- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-846- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-847- | Wireless | Berkeley | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-848- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-849- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-851- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-852- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-853- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-854- | Landline | El Sobrante | O1 Communications |
510-855- | Wireless | Oakland | The Telephone Connection Local Services |
510-856- | Landline | Hayward | Allegiance Telecom |
510-857- | Landline | Fremont | Allegiance Telecom |
510-858- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-859- | Landline | Oakland | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-860- | Landline | Richmond | Level 3 Communications |
510-861- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-862- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-863- | Landline | San Francisco | Mcimetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
510-864- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-865- | Landline | Alameda | Pacific Bell |
510-866- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-867- | Wireless | Oakland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-868- | Landline | San Francisco | Broadwing Communications |
510-869- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-870- | Landline | Union City | Broadwing Communications |
510-872- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-873- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-874- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-875- | Landline | Oakland | Xo California |
510-876- | Landline | Hayward | Sbc Internet Services |
510-877- | Landline | San Francisco | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-878- | Landline | San Francisco | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-879- | Landline | San Francisco | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-880- | Landline | Hayward | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-881- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-882- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-883- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-884- | Wireless | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-885- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-886- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-887- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-888- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-889- | Landline | Hayward | Pacific Bell |
510-891- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-892- | Landline | Hayward | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-893- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-894- | Landline | Fremont | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-895- | Landline | San Leandro | Pacific Bell |
510-896- | Landline | Fremont | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-897- | Landline | Fremont | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-898- | Landline | San Francisco | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-899- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-900- | Landline | San Francisco | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
510-903- | Landline | San Francisco | Broadwing Communications |
510-904- | Landline | San Francisco | Broadwing Communications |
510-907- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-908- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-909- | Wireless | Hayward | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-910- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-912- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-913- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-914- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-915- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-917- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-918- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-919- | Wireless | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-921- | Landline | Hayward | Teleport Communications Group - San Francisco |
510-922- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-923- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-924- | Landline | Oakland | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-926- | Landline | Oakland | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
510-927- | Landline | Oakland | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-928- | Wireless | Oakland | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-931- | Landline | Hayward | O1 Communications |
510-932- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-933- | Landline | San Jose | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
510-935- | Wireless | Hayward | New Cingular Wireless PCS |
510-936- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-938- | Wireless | Fremont | Metro PCS |
510-940- | Landline | Hayward | Mpower Communications Corp |
510-943- | Landline | Fremont | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-948- | Landline | Hercules | Xo California |
510-952- | Wireless | Union City | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-957- | Landline | San Francisco | Allegiance Telecom |
510-962- | Landline | Hayward | Level 3 Communications |
510-964- | Landline | El Sobrante | Pacific Bell |
510-965- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-966- | Wireless | Union City | American Messaging Services |
510-967- | Wireless | San Francisco | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
510-968- | Wireless | Fremont | American Messaging (am) |
510-969- | Landline | Oakland | Tw Telecom Of California Lp |
510-970- | Landline | Richmond | Pacific Bell |
510-972- | Landline | Union City | Comcast Phone Of California |
510-976- | Unknown | North County Communications Corp. | |
510-978- | Landline | Oakland | Level 3 Communications |
510-979- | Landline | Fremont | Pacific Bell |
510-981- | Landline | Berkeley | Pacific Bell |
510-982- | Landline | San Francisco | Mci Worldcom Communications, Ca |
510-984- | Landline | Oakland | Level 3 Communications |
510-985- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-986- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-987- | Landline | Oakland | Pacific Bell |
510-990- | Landline | San Francisco | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
510-991- | Landline | Union City | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-992- | Landline | Oakland | Pac - West Telecomm |
510-995- | Landline | Oakland | U.s. Telepacific Corp. |
510-996- | Landline | Fremont | Global Crossing Local Services-ca |
510-997- | Wireless | Oakland | American Messaging Services |
510-999- | Landline | Hayward | Cf Communications DBA Telekenex |
- Area Code 201-New Jersey
- Area Code 202-District of Columbia
- Area Code 203-Connecticut
- Area Code 206-Washington
- Area Code 210-Texas
- Area Code 213-California
- Area Code 214-Texas
- Area Code 240-Maryland
- Area Code 267-Pennsylvania
- Area Code 281-Texas
- Area Code 305-Florida
- Area Code 310-California
- Area Code 312-Illinois
- Area Code 314-Missouri
- Area Code 317-Indiana
- Area Code 323-California
- Area Code 347-New York
- Area Code 404-Georgia
- Area Code 407-Florida
- Area Code 408-California
- Area Code 412-Pennsylvania
- Area Code 415-California
- Area Code 443-Maryland
- Area Code 480-Arizona
- Area Code 503-Oregon
- Area Code 510-California
- Area Code 512-Texas
- Area Code 516-New York
- Area Code 561-Florida
- Area Code 602-Arizona
- Area Code 614-Ohio
- Area Code 615-Tennessee
- Area Code 617-Massachusetts
- Area Code 619-California
- Area Code 646-New York
- Area Code 678-Georgia
- Area Code 702-Nevada
- Area Code 703-Virginia
- Area Code 704-North Carolina
- Area Code 707-California
- Area Code 714-California
- Area Code 720-Colorado
- Area Code 757-Virginia
- Area Code 760-California
- Area Code 770-Georgia
- Area Code 786-Florida
- Area Code 805-California
- Area Code 813-Florida
- Area Code 817-Texas
- Area Code 818-California
- Area Code 832-Texas
- Area Code 904-Florida
- Area Code 909-California
- Area Code 916-California
- Area Code 919-North Carolina
- Area Code 949-California
- Area Code 954-Florida
- Area Code 972-Texas