
Area Code 314 Location - Missouri

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Area Code 314 Map and Location

Area Code 314, Missouri Cities, Neighborhoods and Local Features

Cities in Areacode 314
  • Kirkwood
  • Maryland Heights
  • Mehlville
  • Oakville
  • Spanish Lake
  • St. Louis
  • University City
  • Webster Groves
  • Affton
  • Ferguson
  • Florissant
  • Hazelwood

Missouri cityMissouri is the twenty-first largest state in the United States, 30th in household income and 18th with the largest population in the Union. The capital is Jefferson City and cities with larger areas are St. Louis, Columbia, Kansas City, and Springfield. He was admitted to the twenty-fourth place on August 10, 1821. It is governed by Mike Parson and Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe, both Republicans.

The coordinates where it is located are latitude 36 ° 0 'North to 40 ° 37' North and longitude 89 ° 6 'West to 95 ° 46' West, with an area of ​​180,560 km2, which has 1.17% covered by water. It is 390 km wide and 480 km long. The maximum height is 540 meters above sea level, located on the Taum Sauk Mountain, the average elevation is 244 meters and the minimum point is 70 meters, on the San Francisco River.

It borders Iowa to the north, Arkansas to the south, Tennessee and Kentucky to the east, and Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma to the west. The fauna and flora are very varied and owns the Mississippi River, Missouri and the lakes Ozarks and Table Rock. It has a continental humid climate, becoming subtropical in the south zone. The maximum registered temperatures are 32 ° C and the minimum temperatures of -8 ° C.

The number of inhabitants, for 2,017, was 6,113,532 and they had a population concentration of 33.7 citizens per km2. For 2011, the population was composed of 84.0% white people, 3.0% Hispanic, 81.0% were non-Hispanic whites, Asians represented 1.7%, American Indians 0.5%, Latinos 3.7%, of another race were 0.1% and those of multiple races 1.9%.

The average income of families in the year 2010 was between $ 46,262 and $ 24,724. The size of the families in the households was 2.45. The owners of houses were 70.0% and the costs of the houses were at $ 137,700. Poverty levels were estimated at 14.0% of residents. The gross state product was $ 299.1 billion, which places it in the twenty-second of the country. The per capita income was at $ 32,705, for the year 2006, obtaining the twenty-sixth place. The official language is English, although 5.1% of the inhabitants speak a different language in the homes. Spanish is spoken in St. Louis and Kansas City, in Latino communities.

Maryland Heights cityMaryland Heights belongs to the central area of ​​West St. Louis. Its incorporation was made in 1985. It is governed by Mayor Mike Moeller. It is located at the coordinates of latitude 38 ° 43'10 "North and longitude 90 ° 26'51" W, having a total area of ​​60.48 km2, with 56.54 km2 which are on the mainland and 3.94 km2 covered by water. The maximum height is 165 meters above sea level.

During the year 2016, a population of 27,137 inhabitants was estimated, with a total density of 450 people per km2. For 2010, the number of residents was 27,472 citizens, consisting of 6,766 families and 12,184 houses, with a distribution of 485.9 individuals per km2 and 231.5 homes per km2. The racial composition was established in 73.2% of white people, Hispanics were 4.5%, American Indians were 0.2%, Asians 9.8%, African Americans were 11.9%, and those of other ethnicities were 2.3% and those who had more than two races counted in 2.5%.

In the total number of households, there were 27.5% of children under the age of 18, stable marriages were 39.9%, women alone in the front of the house were 11.4%, men alone were 4.2%, that they did not have family ties there was 44%, the occupied houses were 35.2% and those that had an adult over 65 years of age 7.2%. The households had a size of 2.21 and the families measured 2.90.

The age distribution was 20.3% of children under 18 years, for those between 18 and 24 years old, 10.8% was established, those between 25 and 44 years old had 32%, those between 45 and 64 years old were 24.8 years old % and 12.2% for those over 65 years. The average age of the population was 35 years. The population consisted of 48.7% men and 51.3% women.

The main employers, for the year 2012, were the Health Services of Magellan, Edward Jones, Monsanto, Talx, UnitedHealthcare, Ally Financial, Elsevier, Schnucks, World Wide Technology and Monsanto, among others. As for recreation, the city has four parks; in addition, it has a pet park, one for various activities and one for water. It presents a museum dedicated to aeronautics, casinos, restaurants and different businesses for entertainment and fun.

Oakville cityOakville is located in the County of St. Louis, south of the city of St. Louis, is surrounded by the Meramec and Mississippi rivers, forming part of "Southern County". The geographic coordinates are 38 ° 27'31 "North and 90 ° 19'10" W, presenting an extension of 45.92 km2, of which 41.26 km2 area of territory and the water is in 4.66 km2 of the city. The highest height is 183 meters above sea level.

In the census of the year 2010, the population was of 36,143 people, with a distribution of 876.0 inhabitants per km2, the houses counted in 13,798 units, concentrated in 374.0 houses per km2 and there were 10,520 families. The races were divided into 96.0% of white individuals, Latinos were 1.4%, Asians were 1.8%, Native American Indians were 0.1%, African Americans 0.8%, other ethnicities 0.3% and that had more than two races 1.0%.

In the houses, there were 32.4% of children under 18 living with their parents, stable couples were 65%, households with a single woman at the front were 7.7%, men alone were 3.2%, those who They did not have family ties with each other, they were 23.8%, occupied homes were 19.9% ​​and those who were over 65 years old and lived alone were 8%. The households had an average size of 2.61 and the families of 3.02. The population had an average age of 43.7 years. The inhabitants who were less than 18 years old were 22.8%, those who were between 18 and 24 years old were 8%, those who were between 25 and 44 years old were 21.1%, 33.9% corresponded to those aged 45 to 64 years and the elderly over 65 years old were 14.3%. The number of men was 49.0% and women were 51.0%.

The average rent of the households was of $ 68,248, for the year 2.007. The families had an income of $ 76,223; the men had an income of $ 52,123, while the women had an amount of $ 33,604. The per capita income was $ 26,750. Poverty rates were 2.0% of family groups and 2.8% of all inhabitants, those under 18 were 3.3% and those who were over 65 had 4.0% of poverty.

St.Louis citySt. Louis is one of the 19 largest cities in the country and Missouri. It was founded in 1764 and the incorporation was made in 1822, its name is due to Louis IX of France. The Mayor is Lyda Krewson, who works in conjunction with the Chairman of the Board of Councilors, Lewis E. Reed and Comptroller Darlene Green, all of the Democratic Party.

The city is located at coordinates 38 ° 37 '38 "North and 90 ° 11' 52" W, the area is 170 km2, of which 160 km2 area of territory, 11 km2 are covered by water, 2,392.2 km2 is the urban and metropolitan area has 21,910 km2. The maximum height of the relief is 187 meters above sea level and the average is 142 m. The city is served by the MidAmerica St. Louis Airports and the St. Louis Lambert International.

The number of inhabitants for the year 2,018, was 308,626 inhabitants, with a population density of 1,925.1 citizens per km2, the urban area had 2,150.70 and the metropolitan with 2,807,338 individuals, which places it in the sixty-first place of the United States and the eleventh of the Midwest.

During 2010, a total of 319,294 inhabitants were counted. The official language for that year was English, spoken by 91.05% of the residents, Spanish was spoken by 2.86% of the population, Vietnamese was spoken by 0.45%, Serbo-Croatian by 0.91%, Chinese was spoken by 0.50% and African languages ​​0.50% having 8.95%, speaking the mother tongue different from English. The distribution by races was 43.9% of white people, Latinos were 3.5%, African Americans were 49.2%, Asians were 2.9% and those who were not Hispanic were 42.2%.

In the year 2000, households had an income of $ 29,156 and the average family income was $ 32,585, men had an average income of $ 31,106, women had an income of $ 26,987 and income per capita was $ 18,108. The houses that were unoccupied were 19% and 9.5% were empty and were not rented or sold.

The companies that provide jobs are BJC Health Care, SSM Health, the University of St. Louis and Washington, Mercy, Wells Fargo, Finance and Advocacy Accounting Service, the Board of Education and the city.

Hazelwood cityHazelwood is located in the northwest part of St. Louis County. The area was incorporated in 1949. It is governed by Mayor Matthew G. Robinson and Administrator Edwin G. Carlstrom. The suburb is located between Interstates 170 and 270; Highway 370 and Boulevard Lindbergh.

The geographic coordinates are 38 ° 46'44 "North and 90 ° 21'59" W, the surface has 43.41 km2, the amount that belongs to the firm territory is 41.49 km2 and the water covers 1.92 km2. The highest elevation is 173 meters above sea level. The population was estimated at 25,443, in 2016, with a population density of 590 people per km2. During the year 2010, the inhabitants were 25,703, there were 6,608 families and 10,933 homes. The houses were at 282.7 per km2 and 619.5 citizens per km2. The races were distributed in 64.1% of white people, Latinos were 3.0%, African-Americans were 30.5%, Asians 1.4%, and American Indians were 0.3%, other ethnicities 1.2% and more than two races 2.5%.

In the total number of households, 31.2% of children under the age of 18 were found living with their parents, stable couples were 38.3%, 4.8% were men living alone, women in charge of the family were 17.3 %, for those who were not familiar with each other there was 39.6%, the houses that were occupied by people was 33.7% and those who were older than 65 years and lived alone were 10.4%.

The houses had a size of 2.34 and the family was at 3.01. The average age of the population was 36.8 years. Those who had less than 18 years were 17.3%, the population between 18 and 24 years were 9.9%, 27% corresponded to those from 25 to 44, between 45 and 64 there was 27.2% and those who were older than 65 years were 12.4%. The male population was 47% and the female population 53.0%

The houses had an income of $ 45,110 and the families had an average income of $ 52,656, men had an income of $ 40,031, women earned an average of $ 27,871 and income per capita was $ 22,311. Poverty rates were 4.3% in families, 6.3% in the total population, under-18s were 8.1% and those over 65 were 7.2%.

Ferguson is located in the County of St. Louis. It was founded in the year 1855, by William B. Ferguson and its incorporation took place in 1894. The current Mayor is James W. Knowles III, the Pro Tem is Keith Kallstrom and the Administrator is De'Carlon Seewood. The coordinates of the city are 38 ° 44'39 "North and 90 ° 18'19" W, the total extension of the city is 16.06 km2, of which 16.03 km2 belong to the mainland and 0.03 km2 are covered by water. The maximum height is 153 meters above sea level.

The climate is humid subtropical and presents temperatures of 46 ° C, during the summer months, with average temperatures of 19 ° C and low, ranging between 8 ° C and -28 ° C. The level of rainfall is 961.3 mm a year; the snowfall has a level of 58.2 cm per year.

The population for 2.016 was 20,846 inhabitants, with a population concentration of 1,300 citizens per km2. In the 2010 census, there were 21,203 residents, 5,500 families, and 8,192 households, with a density of 1,322.6 people per km2 and 567.9 homes per km2. Residents were divided into 1.2% of Hispanics, 29.3% of white citizens, Native Americans were 0.4%, Asians were 0.5%, African Americans were 67.4%, those who belong to other races were 0.4% and those of more than two races were 2.0%.

Children under 18 were 39.1%, marriages that stayed together were 29.6%, women who were living alone was 31.5%, men without a wife were 6.1%, those who lived together without being a family were 32.9% %, occupied houses were 28.2% and those over 65 years old living alone were 7.4%.

The families had a size of 3.12 and the homes of 2.56. The average age was 33.1 years. Those under 18 were 28.7% of the population; those between 18 and 24 years old were 10.4%, for those between 25 and 44 years old there was 25.2%, those between 45 and 64 years old were 25.3% and those aged 65 and older were 10.3%. Men were 44.8% of the population and 55.2% were women. In the area is the company Emerson Electric. Among the most notable characters of the city are martial art champions, sportsman, singers, athletes, cartoonists, and Commanders of the Aerospace Defense Command of North America.

Mehlville cityMehlville is located in the County of St. Louis. The geographical coordinates where it is located are 38 ° 30'15 "North and 90 ° 18'46" West, it has a total area of ​​19.7 km2, with an extension of solid ground of 19.1 km2 and 0.5 km2 covered by water. The maximum elevation in the relief is 194 meters above sea level.

For the year 2010, the number of inhabitants was 28,380, households were 12,541 and families 7,775, with a population concentration of 1,512.0 people per km2 and 681.0 houses per km2. The races were 97.08% white citizens, American Indians were 0.13%, those coming from the Pacific Islands were 0.02%, African Americans were 0.75%, Asians were 1.77%, Hispanics were 1.45%, those who belonged to other races were 0.34% and those who had more than two races 0.61%.

In the homes there was a 25.9% of children under 18 who lived with their parents, stable marriages were 48.6%, women who were alone was 10.2%, those who lived together and had no family ties were 38.0% , occupied homes were 32.5% and those who lived alone and were over 65 years old were 12.7%.

Family groups had a size of 2.27 and households of 2.90. The division of the population, according to the ages, was 21.2% of children under 18 years of age, 9.4% corresponded to those from 18 to 24, for those from 25 to 44 there was 28.3%, those who were between 45 and 64 were 18.0% and those over 65 were 18.0%.

For each group of 100 women, 89.2 men could be found and for a group of 100 women over 18 years old, there were 84.9 men. The income in the houses was $ 43,734 and in the families, it was of $ 55,202, for the men the incomes were of $ 41,435, the women had an income of $ 27,551; the income per capita was of $ 23,125. Poverty levels were found in 5.6% of the population, 3.7% of all families, children under 18 were 6.6% and those who were over 65 years of age 5.4%.

Webster Groves cityWebster Groves is located in St. Louis County. It is the forty-first city with the highest per capita income in the country and the ninth among the "10 best cities for families in the United States," according to Family Circle magazine. The geographic coordinates in which it is located are 38 ° 35'16 "North and 90 ° 21'16" West, having an extension of 15.28 km2 of territory. The highest height is 170 meters above sea level.

The population that was in the year 2,016, was of 22,970 inhabitants, with a population concentration of 1,500 citizens per km2. In 2010, the number of residents was 22,995, families were 6,024 and there were 9,156 households. The population density was 1,504.8 individuals per km2 and 638.5 houses per km2. The population is divided into 89.9% white people, native Indians were 0.2%, Asians were 1.5%, Latinos were 1.6%, African Americans were 6.6%, and those of other races were 0.3% and those of more than two races 1.5%.

Those under 18 who lived with their parents were 32.6%, women alone were 8.7%, stable marriages were 54.3%, men alone were 2.8%, people who lived together and had no family ties were 34.2%, occupied houses were 28.9% and those who were over 65 years old were 13.8%.

The families had a size of 3.04 and the homes of 2.43. The age of the population was 40.8 years, on average. Children fewer than 18 were 24.6%, those aged 18 to 24 were 8.1%, those aged 25 to 44 were 22.6%, those between 45 and 64 were 15.4% and those over 65 years were 15.4%. Men represented 47.1% of the population and women 52.9%.

In this locality, they are tourist sites of interest, like Eden Theological Seminary, Tuxedo Park Christian Church, University of Webster, the House of Charles Ferguson and the Hawken, the secondary schools Webster Groves and Nerinx Hall and the Theater of the Opera of Saint Louise.

Florissant cityFlorissant is located in St. Louis County. The city was founded in 1785. The Mayor is Tom Schneider. It is located at 38 ° 47'52 "North and 90 ° 19'32" W, the extension covered by Florissant is 33.33 km2, of which 32.53 km2 are on the mainland and 0.80 km2 covered by water. The maximum height is 175 meters above sea level.

The estimated population of 2.017 was 51,443 inhabitants and the population concentration was 1,600 citizens per km2. For 2010, the residents were 52,158, the families were 13,800 and the households were 21,247, with a density of 1,603.4 individuals per km2 and 695.7 houses per km2.

The racial composition was 69.3%, Hispanics were 2.0%, Native Americans were 0.2%, African Americans were 26.8%, Asians were 0.8%, those of other races were 0.6% and those who had more of two races were 2.3%. In households, 32.3% were under 18 years old, stable couples were 42.4%, men who were in front of the house were 5.1%, women alone were 17.5%, those who did not have family ties they were 35.0%, the dwellings occupied by residents were 29.9% and the people over 65 years, who lived alone was 12.2%.

The average age of the population was 38 years. The families had a size of 3.00 and the homes measured a 2.42. The citizens with less than 18 years were 23.9%, the inhabitants between 18 and 24 years were 8.6%, those from 25 to 44 years were counted in 26.2%, those from 45 to 64 were in 25.8% and those who have with more than 65 years they were 15.5%. The men had a percentage of the population of 46.8% and women of 53.2%.

In the year 2000, households had an income of $ 44,462, families had an income of $ 52,195, men had an income of $ 37,434, women earned $ 27,247 and income per capita was $ 20,622. Poverty was found in 4.0% of the entire population and 2.7% of families, minors were 4.5% and those over 65 were 3.7%. The average age of the inhabitants was 37 years.

University City University City is known as U. City is the County of St. Louis. The city is located between the geographical coordinates 38 ° 39'50 "North and 90 ° 19'40" W, presenting an area of ​​15.28 km2, with a territorial extension without areas covered by water. The highest elevation of the relief is 161 meters above sea level.

The estimate for 2016 was 34,706 inhabitants, with a population concentration of 2,300 people per km2. In 2010, residents were 35,371, households 16,154 and families 8,484, presenting a density of 2,314.7 citizens per km2 and 1,179.3 houses per km2. The population was distributed in 50.8% of white people, Asians were 4.3%, native Indians 0.3%, and African Americans were 41.1%, Hispanics 2.8%, those of other races 0.9% and those who had more than two races 2.7%.

Those under 18 who lived with their parents were 23.8%, stable marriages were 33.8%, men who lived alone were 3.7%, women alone at the head of the family were 15.0%, those who did not have Family ties were 47.5%, houses that were occupied by residents were 36.5% and those who lived alone and were over 65 years old were 12.7%.

The households had a size of 2.18 and the families of 2.90. The average age of the population was 37.4 years. The inhabitants under 18 were 19.5%, those who had 18 to 24 years were 11.3%, 28.5% corresponded to those from 25 to 44 years, those from 45 to 64 years were 24.7% and those over 65 years were 16%. The male population was 46.6% and the female population was 53.4%.

In the year 2000, the income per household was established at $ 75,902, the families had an average income of $ 90,539, the men had an income of $ 55,588 and the women had $ 45,440. The per capita income was $ 26,901. Poverty rates were 14.7% of the total population, families were 9.5%, children fewer than 18 were 19.1% and those over 65 were 12.1%. The most prominent characters of the city are actors, singers, writers, athletes, poets and composers, such as Major League player Bernard Gilkey, artists Jane Froman and Ike Willis, the famous Tennessee Williams, the sculptor James Peniston, among others celebrities

Prefix Usage Primary City Carrier
314-200- Landline Mehlville Charter Fiberlink
314-201- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-202- Wireless Saint Louis Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-203- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-204- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-205- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-206- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-208- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-209- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-210- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-212- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-213- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-214- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-215- Landline Chesterfield Southwestern Bell
314-216- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-218- Landline Saint Charles Southwestern Bell
314-219- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-220- Wireless Creve Coeur Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-221- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-222- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-223- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-224- Wireless Ladue Sbc Internet Services
314-225- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-226- Landline Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-227- Landline Ladue Davidson Telecom
314-228- Landline Creve Coeur Xo Missouri
314-229- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-231- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-232- Landline Ferguson Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-233- Landline Ferguson Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-234- Landline Ferguson Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-235- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-236- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-237- Landline Chesterfield Xo Missouri
314-238- Landline Saint Louis Mcleodusa Telecommunications Services- Mo
314-239- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-240- Unknown Sbc Internet Services
314-241- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-242- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-243- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-244- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-245- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-246- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-247- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-248- Landline Mehlville Xo Missouri
314-249- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-251- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-252- Landline Ladue Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-253- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-254- Unknown Clec
314-255- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-256- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-258- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-259- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-260- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-261- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-262- Wireless Ladue Level 3 Communications
314-263- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-264- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-265- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-266- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-267- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-268- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-269- Landline Saint Louis Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-270- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-271- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-272- Landline Sappington Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-273- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-274- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-275- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-276- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-277- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-278- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-280- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-281- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-282- Wireless Saint Louis Clec
314-283- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-284- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-285- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-286- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-287- Landline Saint Louis Sbc Internet Services
314-288- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-289- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-290- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-291- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-292- Landline Creve Coeur AT&T Local
314-293- Landline Oakville Southwestern Bell
314-294- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-295- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-296- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-297- Landline Saint Louis Clec
314-298- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-299- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-300- Landline Saint Louis Peerless Network Of Missouri
314-301- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-302- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-303- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-304- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-305- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-306- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-307- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-308- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-309- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-313- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-315- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-316- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-317- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-318- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-319- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-322- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-323- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-324- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-325- Unknown Sbc Internet Services
314-326- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-327- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-329- Landline Mehlville Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-330- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-331- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-332- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-333- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-334- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-335- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-336- Landline Creve Coeur Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-337- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-338- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-339- Unknown Metro PCS
314-340- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-341- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-342- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-344- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-345- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-346- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-348- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-351- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-352- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-353- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-354- Wireless Creve Coeur American Messaging (am)
314-355- Landline Spanish Lake Southwestern Bell
314-357- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-358- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-359- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-360- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-361- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-362- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-363- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-364- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-365- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-367- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-368- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-369- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-371- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-372- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-373- Landline Ladue Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-374- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-375- Landline Oakville Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-378- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-380- Landline Oakville Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-381- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-382- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-383- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-384- Wireless Creve Coeur 365 Wireless
314-385- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-387- Landline Bridgeton Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-388- Landline Riverview Southwestern Bell
314-389- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-392- Landline Creve Coeur Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-393- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-394- Landline Kirkwood Charter Fiberlink
314-395- Landline Saint Louis Charter Fiberlink
314-397- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-398- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-399- Wireless Saint Louis Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-400- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-401- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-402- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-403- Landline Saint Louis Clec
314-404- Wireless Ladue Usa Mobility Wireless
314-406- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-407- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-409- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-412- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-413- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-414- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-415- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-416- Landline Mehlville Southwestern Bell
314-418- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-419- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-420- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-421- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-422- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-423- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-424- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-425- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-426- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-427- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-428- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-429- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-430- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-431- Landline Sappington Xo Missouri
314-432- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-433- Landline Mehlville Xo Missouri
314-434- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-435- Wireless Saint Louis New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-436- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-437- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-438- Landline Spanish Lake Southwestern Bell
314-439- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-440- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-441- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-442- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-443- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-444- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-445- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-446- Landline Ladue Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-447- Landline Ladue Mcleodusa Telecommunications Services- Mo
314-448- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-449- Landline Saint Louis Charter Fiberlink
314-450- Landline Saint Louis AT&T Local
314-452- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-453- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-454- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-456- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-457- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-458- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-459- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-460- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-465- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-466- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-467- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-468- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-469- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-471- Landline Kirkwood Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-472- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-473- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-475- Landline Ladue Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-477- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-478- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-479- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-480- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-481- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-482- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-483- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-484- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-485- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-486- Wireless Creve Coeur Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-487- Landline Mehlville Southwestern Bell
314-488- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-489- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-490- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-491- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-492- Landline Saint Louis Hypercube Telecom
314-493- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-494- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-495- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-496- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-497- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-498- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-499- Landline Saint Louis Clec
314-502- Wireless Saint Louis Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-503- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-504- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-505- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-506- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-507- Wireless Ladue Usa Mobility Wireless
314-508- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-509- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-510- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-512- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-513- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-514- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-515- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-516- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-517- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-518- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-520- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-521- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-522- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-523- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-524- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-525- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-526- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-527- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-529- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-531- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-532- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-533- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-534- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-535- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-536- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-537- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-538- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-539- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-540- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-541- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-542- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-543- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-544- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-545- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-546- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-548- Landline Saint Ann AT&T Local
314-549- Landline Oakville Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-550- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-551- Landline Hazelwood Southwestern Bell
314-552- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-553- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-554- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-556- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-558- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-559- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-560- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-561- Wireless Saint Louis Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm
314-562- Landline Creve Coeur AT&T Local
314-563- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-564- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-565- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-566- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-567- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-568- Wireless Creve Coeur Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-569- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-570- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-571- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-573- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-574- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-575- Wireless Creve Coeur Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-576- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-577- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-578- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-579- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-580- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-581- Wireless Creve Coeur Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-583- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-584- Landline Saint Louis Socket Telecom
314-585- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-587- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-588- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-589- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-590- Landline Creve Coeur Mcleodusa Telecommunications Services- Mo
314-591- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-592- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-593- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-594- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-595- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-596- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-598- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-599- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-600- Landline Saint Louis AT&T Local
314-601- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-602- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-603- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-604- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-605- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-606- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-607- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-608- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-609- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-610- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-612- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-613- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-614- Wireless Saint Louis New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-615- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-616- Wireless Saint Louis New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-617- Wireless Saint Louis Metrotel
314-619- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-620- Landline Creve Coeur AT&T Local
314-621- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-622- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-623- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-625- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-626- Landline Saint Louis Local Access LLC
314-627- Landline Saint Louis Peerless Network Of Missouri
314-628- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-629- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-630- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-631- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-632- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-633- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-635- Landline Sappington Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-637- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-638- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-640- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-641- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-642- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-643- Landline Saint Ann Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-644- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-645- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-646- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-647- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-649- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-650- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-651- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-652- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-653- Landline Spanish Lake Southwestern Bell
314-654- Landline Ferguson Southwestern Bell
314-655- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-656- Landline Ladue Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-657- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-658- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-659- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-660- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-662- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-663- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-664- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-665- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-666- Landline Saint Louis Peerless Network Of Missouri
314-667- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-669- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-670- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-672- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-674- Landline Creve Coeur Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-675- Landline Mehlville Global Crossing Local Services-mo
314-676- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-677- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-678- Landline Saint Ann Mcleodusa Telecommunications Services- Mo
314-679- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-680- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-681- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-682- Landline Creve Coeur Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-683- Landline Ladue Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-684- Landline Ladue Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-685- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-686- Wireless Kirkwood Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-687- Landline Ladue Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-689- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-690- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-691- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-692- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-693- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-694- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-695- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-696- Landline Saint Louis Peerless Network Of Missouri
314-698- Landline Saint Louis Sbc Internet Services
314-699- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-702- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-703- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-704- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-705- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-706- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-707- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-708- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-709- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-712- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-713- Wireless Kirkwood Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-714- Landline Ladue Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-715- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-716- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-717- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-718- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-719- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-720- Landline Creve Coeur Level 3 Communications
314-721- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-722- Landline Ladue Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-723- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-724- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-725- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-726- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-727- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-728- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-729- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-730- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-731- Landline Hazelwood Southwestern Bell
314-732- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-733- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-734- Wireless Ladue American Messaging (am)
314-735- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-736- Landline Olivette Charter Fiberlink
314-737- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-738- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-739- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-740- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-741- Landline Spanish Lake Southwestern Bell
314-743- Landline Ladue Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-744- Landline Creve Coeur Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-745- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-746- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-747- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-748- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-749- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-750- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-751- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-752- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-753- Wireless Ladue New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-754- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-755- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-756- Landline Maryland Heights Birch Telecom Of Missouri
314-757- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-758- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-761- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-762- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-763- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-764- Wireless Ladue T-mobile Usa
314-765- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-766- Landline Saint Louis Level 3 Communications
314-767- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-768- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-769- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-770- Landline Bridgeton Southwestern Bell
314-771- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-772- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-773- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-774- Landline Maryland Heights Ymax Communications Corp.
314-775- Landline Ladue Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-776- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-777- Landline Ferguson Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-779- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-780- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-781- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-782- Landline Mehlville Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-783- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-785- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-786- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-787- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-790- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-791- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-792- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-795- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-799- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-800- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-801- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-802- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-803- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-805- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-807- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-808- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-809- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-810- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-812- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-813- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-814- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-815- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-817- Landline Ladue Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-819- Landline Creve Coeur Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-821- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-822- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-823- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-824- Landline Ladue Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-825- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-826- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-827- Landline Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-828- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-829- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-830- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-831- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-832- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-833- Landline Saint Louis Mcleodusa Telecommunications Services- Mo
314-834- Wireless Creve Coeur American Messaging (am)
314-835- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-836- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-837- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-838- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-839- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-840- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-841- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-842- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-843- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-844- Wireless Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-845- Landline Mehlville Southwestern Bell
314-846- Landline Oakville Southwestern Bell
314-848- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-849- Landline Sappington Southwestern Bell
314-851- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-852- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-853- Wireless Ladue Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-854- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-855- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-856- Landline Saint Louis Allegiance Telecom
314-858- Landline Olivette Charter Fiberlink
314-859- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-862- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-863- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-865- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-867- Landline Riverview Southwestern Bell
314-868- Landline Riverview Southwestern Bell
314-869- Landline Riverview Southwestern Bell
314-870- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-871- Wireless Saint Louis American Messaging (am)
314-872- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-873- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-874- Landline Saint Louis Xo Missouri
314-875- Landline Saint Louis Charter Fiberlink
314-877- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-878- Landline Creve Coeur Southwestern Bell
314-879- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-880- Landline Saint Louis Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-881- Landline Saint Louis Windstream Nuvox Missouri Inc.
314-882- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-884- Landline Saint Louis Clec
314-885- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-888- Landline Saint Louis Hypercube Telecom
314-889- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-890- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-892- Landline Mehlville Southwestern Bell
314-894- Landline Mehlville Southwestern Bell
314-895- Landline Hazelwood Southwestern Bell
314-896- Wireless Saint Louis T-mobile Usa
314-898- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-899- Landline Saint Louis Local Access LLC
314-902- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-903- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-905- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-908- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-909- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-910- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-912- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-913- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-914- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-915- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-917- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-918- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-919- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-920- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-921- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-922- Wireless Saint Louis Sprint Spectrum L.p.
314-923- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-924- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-925- Landline Saint Louis Mci Worldcom Communications, Inc
314-927- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-929- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-932- Landline Saint Louis Neutral Tandem-missouri
314-933- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-935- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-941- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-942- Landline Saint Louis Mcleodusa Telecommunications Services- Mo
314-943- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-945- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-951- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-952- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-953- Landline Spanish Lake Southwestern Bell
314-954- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-955- Landline Saint Louis Teleport Communications Group - St. Louis
314-956- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-957- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-960- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-961- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-962- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-963- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-964- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-965- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-966- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-968- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-969- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-971- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-972- Landline Florissant Southwestern Bell
314-973- Wireless Ladue Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless
314-974- Wireless Kirkwood New Cingular Wireless PCS - IL
314-977- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-981- Wireless Ladue Usa Mobility Wireless
314-982- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-983- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-984- Landline Kirkwood Southwestern Bell
314-985- Landline Creve Coeur Xo Missouri
314-988- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-989- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-990- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless
314-991- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-992- Landline Saint Louis Southwestern Bell
314-993- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-994- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-995- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-996- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-997- Landline Ladue Southwestern Bell
314-999- Wireless Saint Louis Usa Mobility Wireless