Area Code 240 Location - Maryland
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Area Code 240 Map and Location
Area Code 240, Maryland Cities, Neighborhoods and Local Features
- Aspen Hill
- North Bethesda
- Bowie
- Chillum
- Clinton
- College Park
- Cumberland
- Fairland
- Fort Washington
- Frederick
- Gaithersburg
- Germantown
- Greenbelt
- Hagerstown
- Landover
- Montgomery Village
- North Bethesda
- South Laurel
- North Potomac
- Olney
- Potomac
- Rockville
- Silver Spring
- South Laurel
- Saint Charles
- Suitland
- Waldorf
- White Oak
Maryland is located in the Mid-Atlantic area of ​​the United States. Its capital is the city of Annapolis and Baltimore is considered the largest. This State ranks 42nd among the largest, in 19th place for the number of inhabitants and fifth among the richest. He was admitted to the Union in seventh place, on April 28, 1788, and was baptized in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria of France. Currently, Republicans Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford are in the positions of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively. It has the Upper House and the Lower Chamber, represented by the Democratic Senators, Ben Cardin,and Chris Van Hollen. The delegation that makes up the Chamber has 7 Democratic Senators and 1 Republican, as delegates.
Located at the geographic coordinates of latitude 37 ° 53 'North to 39 ° 43' North and longitude 75 ° 03 'West to 79 ° 29' West, it has an area of ​​32,133 km2, with 315 km wide, 192 km long and owns 21% of the land covered with water. The maximum height of the State is at 1,024 meters above sea level, represented by Hoye-Crest and the midpoint is at 110 m.s.n.m. It is bordered on the north by Pennsylvania, on the south and west by the District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia and on the east by Delaware.
For the year 2,015, the population was of 6,006,401 inhabitants, representing an increase of 4.03%, in comparison with the Census of the United States realized in the 2,010. The number of immigrants from other countries had an increase of 129,730 citizens and the entry of people from the country was only 13,017 inhabitants. The population located in the west, has an Appalachian ancestry, in the area of ​​eastern and southern coast, the southern one stands out, in the center and northwest is the area with the greatest amount of population.
In the year 2.016, the racial distribution was determined in 42.8% of non-Hispanic whites, 7.2% of Asians, Latinos of any race were 16.2% and African-Americans represented 31.2%. In terms of languages, English is the predominant language, followed by Spanish, French and Chinese. In addition, you can find communities that speak Russian, Italian, German, Korean, Persian, Greek, Arabic, Hindi,and languages ​​of African origin.
Aspen Hill is located in Montgomery County. Its name is derived from the number of aspen trees, were characteristic of the area in 1864. In the 1920s, it was known as the headquarters of pet cemeteries. In 1950, the land was sold to a construction company and the development of the area began. It is located in a territory of 27.3 km2, of which 27.1 km2 are occupied by the mainland and 0.2 km2, are covered by water. The highest height of the region is 100 meters above sea level. It is located at coordinates 39 ° 5'19 "North and 77 ° 4'49" West, although the United States Geological Survey places it at 39 ° 4'46 "North and 77 ° 4'24" West.
The Census conducted in 2010, determined that the population was 48,759 inhabitants, with a concentration of 1,853.0 citizens per km2. Distributed in 50.60% of white people, 0.60% of American Indians, Latinos were 13.4%, Hispanics of any race were 27.9%, 20.9% were counted as African-Americans who were not Hispanic, 21.70% were African-American, 10.9% were Asian, 4.6% had more than two races and 11.5% were from other races and below 1% were African-Latinos.
To date, the inhabitants of El Salvador were 40%, Guatemala 6%, Honduras 6%, Nicaragua 3%, with Mexican descent was 8%, Peruvians 8%, Puerto Ricans 3%, Chileans 2%, Dominicans 3%, 2% Ecuadorians, 4% Bolivia, Colombia 4% and 1% or less were Cubans, Panamanians, Costa Rica, Uruguayans, Argentines, Venezuelans,and Paraguayans. The households that had children under 18 were 33.3%, stable marriages were 53.7%, women alone were 14.1%, those who did not have family ties with each other were 28.1%, houses occupied was 21.9% and those who had an adult over 65 living alone was 7.6%. The families had an average size between 2.74 and 3.18.
The distribution by age was 24.0% for those under 18 years, 7.7% for those from 18 to 24, those between 25 and 44 years old were 31.8%, those between 45 and 64 years old were 24.0% and those aged 65 and over were 12.5% ​​of the population. The average age was 37 years and for a group of 100 women, there were 89.9 men and for 100 women over 18 years old, 85.7 men.
Fairland is located in Montgomery County. Because it is an unincorporated area, the limits have not been determined. However, it is located at the geographic coordinates of 39 ° 4'46 "North and 76 ° 56'52" West, according to information provided by the United States Geological Survey. It is known as one of many neighborhoods in Silver Spring, Maryland. The total area of ​​the town is 12.79 km2, with a land area of ​​12.75 km2 and an area covered by water, corresponding to 0.05 km2. The relief of the area has a maximum height of 126 meters above sea level.
During the year 2010, a population of 23,681 inhabitants was established, with a population concentration of 1,900 citizens per km2. Obtaining the amount of 21,738 people, distributed in 8,612 homes and made up of 5,460 families for the year 2,000, according to the census. The population density for that year was 1,682.0 citizens per km2 and 690.0 houses per km2. The races were made up of 35.75% white people, 0.25% native Indians, 0.03% were people from the Pacific islands, Asians were 14.51%, African Americans 42.99%, Latinos 6.72%, those of more than two races by 3.55% and those of other races by 2.93%.
Households with children under the age of 18 were 34.8%, stable marriages were 42.4%, women alone were 17.0%, those without family ties were 36.6%, 27.1% of the households were inhabited and the 2.2% were people over 65 living alone. The families had a size of 2.50 to 3.11, on average. Those under 18 were 25.4% of the population, those who were 18 to 24 years old were 9.1%, those aged 25 to 44 were 39.9%, those aged 45 to 64 years 19.9% ​​and those over 65 years, 5.6%. The average age was 32 years and for each group of 100 women, there were 83.2 men and 78.2 men, for the same group of over 18 years. The income in the houses was $ 56,624 and in the families $ 62,189. The per capita income was $ 28,603 and the poverty level was 5.3% of the population and 4.6% of the families.
Cumberland is located in Allegany County. It was founded in the year 1787 and its incorporation was formalized in 1815. The current Mayor is a Democrat Brian K. Grim, the Administrator Jeff Rhodes and the Senators Richard J. Cioni, Eugene T. Frazier, Seth D. Bernard and David Caporale, are part of the City Council. The city is recognized as the "Where the South begins" zone. The extension of the city is 26.29 km2, with 26.11 km2 of land and 0.18 km2 of water. The highest elevation is 191 meters above sea level. Its geographical coordinates are 39 ° 38'52 "North and 78 ° 45'46" W. It is located at the junction of the Potomac River and Wills Creek, in the northern part. Cumberland Narrows traverses the Wills Mountain Anticline and reaches the Appalachian plateau, ending in the Ohio River valley.
The estimated population for the year 2.016 was 19,978 inhabitants, with a concentration of 790 people per km2. In the year 2010, the city had 20,859 citizens, 4,982 family groups,and 9,223 houses. The concentration of houses was 418.0 houses per km2. The races were divided into 89.4% of white inhabitants, 0.2% of American Indians, 0.1% of those from the Pacific Islands, 6.4% of African-Americans, 0.9% of Asians, Hispanics were 1.2%, of more than two races 2.8% and those belonging to other races 0.3%.
25.9% of households had children under the age of 18 living with them, marriages were 34.0%, women alone had 15.1%, men alone at the head of the family were 4.9%, those who were not family were 46.0%, 38.9% of the households were employed and 18.1% had someone over 65 living alone. The size of the families was from 2.19 to 2.89. The average age of the population was 41.4 years. Those who were under 18 years old were 20.9%, those between 18 and 24 years old were 10.2%, those between 25 and 44 years old 23.1%, 45-64 were 26.2% and those 65 and over in 19.6%. The male population was 47.0% and the female population 53.0%.
Frederick is located in the western part of the state; it belongs to the metropolitan area of ​​Washington-Baltimore. It was founded in 1748, is the county seat of the same name. It is made up of two cities, Brunswick and Frederick, and nine towns and one village. His name is due to the sixth Baron of Baltimore, Frederick Calvert. The area is located between the geographic coordinates 39 ° 28'Nand and 77 ° 24'West. The extension of land is 1,728 km2, of which 12 km2 are occupied by water. It has 21 places, which have not been designated by the census, such as Petersville, Rocky Ridge, Jefferson, Knoxville and 6 sites that are qualified, such as Braddock Heights, Linganore-Bartonsville,and Clover Hill, among others.
In the year 2013, there were 241,409 inhabitants, with a population concentration of 135.9 persons per km2. In the census that took place in 2010, the population was 233,385 citizens, presenting a density of 114 individuals per km2. The houses numbered 84,800 and there were 61,198 families. The houses had an average of 43 units per km2. The distribution by races was of 89.33 white people, 0.21% of native Indians, Hispanics were 2.39%, 6.36% of African-Americans, 0.03% of those from the Pacific Islands, Asians were 1.67%, those of more of two races 1.47% and those of other ethnicities 0.92%.
In households, 38.60% corresponds to children under 18 years, stable couples are 61.10%, women alone were 9.40%, those who lived together without having a family bond were 25.90%, the houses that were occupied were 20.10% and the houses that had an adult over 65 years old were 9.60%. The average age of the population was 36 years. For each group of 100 women, there were 96.90 men and for 100 women older than 18 there were 93.90 men.
The distribution by age was made up of 27.60% of children under 18, 7.40% of people between 18 and 24 years old, for those between 25 and 44 years old there was 32.70%, those aged 45 to 64 years were 22.60% and over 65 years were 9.60%. The size of the households was 2.72 and the families had a size of 3.16 individuals. Home rentals ranged between $ 1,000 and $ 1,500 per month.
North Bethesda is a city located in Montgomery County. Its origins date back to the seventeenth century when settlements began to emerge in Rock Creek and Seneca Trail. The area has not yet been incorporated into the county and is qualified by the census. It is located at the geographic coordinates of 39 ° 2'12 "North and 77 ° 7'13" W, bordering the city of Rockville, although the limits have not been set by the United States Geological Survey. Account with an extension of 23 km2, with 22.9 km2 of terrestrial surface and does not own land covered with water. The highest height is at 120 meters above sea level.
The population estimated in 2013 was 46,646 inhabitants, with a concentration of 1,653.1 people per km2. By the year 2000, there were 38,610 individuals; families were 9,662 and households 17,286, with a distribution of 1,652.7 citizens per km2 and 773.5 homes per km2. White people were 77.24%, Hispanics were 9.53%, 0.29% were Native American Indians, Asians were 11.97%, blacks were 4.96%, those who came from the Pacific Islands were 0.05%. %, those of two or more races were 2.88% and those of other races 2.61%.
In homes, those who were under 18 years old were 22.7%, those who were married were 46.2%, those who did not have family ties were 44.1%, women alone were 7.4%, houses that were occupied were 36.5% and those who had an adult over 65 years living alone were 11.6%. The households had a size of 2.17 and the families measured 2.85.
The distribution of the population by age was 17.9% for those under 18 years, those who were between 18 and 24 years old were 6.1%, those who had 25 to 44 years were 34.0%, 24.1% were those who were between 45 and 64 years old and those over 65 years old were 17.8%. The average age was 40 years. For each group of 100 women, there were 87.3 men and for 100 women over 18 years old, there were 83.9 men. For the period between 2005 and 2009, households had an income of $ 87,324, families $ 113,719, men $ 79,085 and women $ 61,793. The per capita income was $ 51,254 and the poverty level was 4.8% of the citizens.
Rockville is located in Montgomery County. In the year 1717, it was placed as a town; its foundation occurred in 1803 and was incorporated, later, in 1860. Today, the Mayor Bridget Donnell Newton,it is considered the third largest site in the county, surpassed by Silver Spring and Germantown. It has an area of ​​35.15 km2, of which 34.99 km2 area of the mainland and 0.16 km2, correspond to extension covered by water. The maximum height is 137 meters above sea level. The climate is humid and subtropical, with temperatures in winter that can reach -18 ° C. The summers are characterized by being quite humid and hot.
In 2.016, the population was estimated at 66,940 inhabitants, with a concentration of 1,700 citizens per km2. For the year 2010, the city had 61,209 people, with 15,524 groups of families and 23,686 homes, which had a distribution of 1,749.3 inhabitants per km2 and 720.2 houses per km2. The distribution by races was 60.4% white, Hispanics 14.3%, non-Hispanic whites 52.8%, native Indians 0.3%, African Americans 9.6%, 20.6% were Asian, other races were 5.3% and those of more than two races were 3.8%.
Households had 31.8% of children under 18 years, stable couples were 52.3%, women who lived alone were 9.9%, 3.4% were male heads of household, 34.5% had no ties family, the houses that were occupied were 27.0% and adults over 65 years living alone were 9.5%. The families had a size of 3.08 and the households were 2.54. The division of the population by age was 21.5%, for those with less than 18 years, those from 18 to 24 years were 7.2%, those who were between 25 and 44 years were 31.1%, those 45 to 64 were 26.3% and those over 65 were 14%. Men counted in 47.9% and women in 52.1%. The average age of the population was 38.7 years. Per capita income was $ 49,399 and the poverty rate was 7.8%, with 8.9% of children under 18 years old and 7.9% of elderly people over 65 years of age.
Silver Spring is considered unincorporated, in Montgomery County. It is listed as the fourth site with the most population and is in second place, as the largest in the county. It owes its name to a mica spring, which was discovered by Francis Preston Blair, in 1840. It is located at the geographic coordinates 39 ° 0'15 "North and 77 ° 1'8" W, with an area of ​​20.5 km2, without extensions covered by water. The highest elevation is 104 meters above sea level. Bordered with Howard County, Prince George, and Washington DC.
For the year 2013, the population was 76,716 people, with a concentration of 3,483.8 inhabitants per km2. In the year 2010, the census showed that there were 15,684 families, 28,837 homes,and 71,451 individuals, with a distribution 3,485.5 people per km2 and 1,488.9 houses per km2. Citizens were divided into 45.7% white people, 26.3% Hispanics, blacks were 27.8%, Asians were 7.9%, 0.1% were from the Pacific islands, native Indians were 0.6%, of more than two races they were 4.8% and the other ethnic groups 13.2%. The Ethiopian race has a relevant presence in the area.
Households with children under 18 were 27.1%, stable marriages were 37.6%, 11.9% were women living alone, 45.2% had no family ties, 33.6% of the houses were occupied and 16.5% had with adults over 65 living alone. The families had a size of 3.21 and the homes of 2.49. The population under 18 was 21.4%, for those who had 18 to 24 years there was 9.4%, those between 25 and 44 were 37.1%, those from 45 to 64 were 23.8% and who were over 65 years old were 8.4%. The average age was 33.8 years.
For each group of 100 women, there were 94.9 men and for the same women with more than 18 years, 92.2 men were located. Household income was $ 71,986, families had an income of $ 84,136, men $ 46,407 and women $ 49,979. The per capita income was $ 32,181. Of the total population, 15.0% and 13.3% of families were located in the lowest levels of poverty.
Bowie is located in the County of Prince George, being the largest city in the county, occupying the third place, having the largest area of ​​the State, it is the fifth with the largest population and the best place to live in the country, in the ranking 28, according to CNN Money of 2014. It was incorporated in 1882. The current Mayor is G. Frederick Robinson. It is located at the geographic coordinates 38 ° 57'53 "North and 76 ° 44'40" W, with an extension of 47.94 km2, with 47.73 km2 of the mainland and 0.21 km2 of the surface covered by water. The maximum height is 47 meters above sea level. It limits by the northwest with Laurel of the south, Glenn Dale, Crofton; to the south with Brock Hall; to the southwest Kettering, Woodmore; in the west with Fairwood; on the east with Davidsonville; to the south Brock Hall and to the southeast Queen Anne.
The estimate of the year 2.016, showed the amount of 58,393 inhabitants with a concentration of 1,100 people per km2. For 2010, there were 54,727 citizens, families were 14,264 and homes 19,950, with a distribution of 1,146.5 inhabitants per km2 and 433.4 houses per km2. The population was composed of 41.4% of white people, Latinos were 5.6%, Asians were 4.1%, 0.3% corresponded to American Indians, African Americans were 48.7%, and those of the Pacific Islands were 0.1 %, those who had two or more races 3.6% and those of other races 1.9%.
The houses were made up of 37.0% of children under 18 years old, marriages were 53.2%, single men made up 4.3%, 14.0% were inhabited by single women, 28.5% did not have family ties between them, occupied houses were 23.4% and those over 65 years living alone were 7.7%. The families had an average size of 2.73 to 3.23. The inhabitants had an average age of 40.1 years. Those who were under 18 years old were 24.5%, those aged 18 to 24 were 7.6%, those from 25 to 44 were 26.2%, those who were between 45 and 64 years old were 30.1% and older at 65 they were at 11.6%. Men had 46.9% and women 53.1% of the total population.
Fort Washington is located in Prince George's County, as an unincorporated area. It had its origins in the year 1,809, when it served as a protection to Washington DC, at present it is a tourist attraction, located on the west side of Route 210. The extension of Fort Washington is 42.9 km2, with a land area of ​​35.7 km2 and 7.2 km2, corresponding to areas covered by water. The maximum elevation is 32 meters above sea level. The geographical coordinates are 38 ° 44'37 "North and 77 ° 0'37" West. Initially, the land had 347 acres, which was revised in the year 1944.
During the year 2010, a population of 23,717 inhabitants was established, with a density of 550 citizens per km2. Households were enumerated at 8,135 and families at 6,319, with a concentration of 245.1 houses per km2. The racial distribution was 70.6% blacks, 13.40% white people, Asians 9.2%, mostly Filipinos; native Indians 0.2%, Latinos made up 6.6%, those of more than two races 2.38% and those of other races 3.3%.
In households there were 26.5% of children under 18 years, marriages that together were 57.9%, single women without spouses made up 14.7%, people who did not have family ties were 22.3%, the inhabited houses were 18.3% and those over 65 years of age, who lived alone, had 7.1%.
The families had an average of 2.89 to 3.24. The increase in population by age was established in 21.7% of children under 18 years, those in 20 to 24 years old were 5.2%, people who were between 25 and 44 years old were 21.4%, 32.9% were represented by who had ages between 45 and 64 years and those who were older than 65 years were 16.1%. The average age of the population was 44.3 years.
For each group of 100 women, there were up to 91.6 males and for 100 females 18 years of age and older, there were 89.3 males. The income of the houses was $ 105,475 and for the families, it was around $ 111,227. The amount of the income of the men was $ 46,656 and the women had an income of $ 42,450. For the per capita income, the amount of $ 30,871 was recorded. The level of poverty was 3.7% in the population and 2.8% in families, 5.0% for those under 18 years of age and 4.5% for those over 65 years of age.
Prefix | Usage | Primary City | Carrier |
240-200- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Clec |
240-201- | Landline | Ridge | Peerless Network Of The District Of Columbia, Dc |
240-203- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-204- | Wireless | Bethesda | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-205- | Wireless | Cabin John | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-206- | Landline | Glenn Dale | Xo Maryland |
240-207- | Landline | Damascus | Cavalier East LLC |
240-208- | Landline | La Plata | Peerless Network Of The District Of Columbia, Dc |
240-209- | Landline | Indian Head | Peerless Network Of The District Of Columbia, Dc |
240-210- | Wireless | Waldorf | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-212- | Landline | Oakland | Core Communications |
240-213- | Landline | Waldorf | Peerless Network Of The District Of Columbia, Dc |
240-214- | Landline | Mechanicsville | Peerless Network Of The District Of Columbia, Dc |
240-215- | Landline | Frederick | Telcove Operations |
240-216- | Wireless | Waldorf | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-217- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-218- | Landline | Nanjemoy | Peerless Network Of The District Of Columbia, Dc |
240-220- | Landline | Poolesville | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-221- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-222- | Landline | Waldorf | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-223- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Allegiance Telecom |
240-224- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-225- | Landline | Frederick | Core Communications |
240-228- | Landline | Laurel | Verizon Maryland |
240-229- | Landline | Waldorf | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-230- | Landline | Hughesville | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-231- | Landline | Hagerstown | Core Communications |
240-232- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-233- | Landline | Newburg | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-234- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-235- | Landline | Bethesda | Paetec Communications |
240-236- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-237- | Landline | Callaway | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-238- | Landline | Rockville | Paetec Communications |
240-239- | Landline | Leonardtown | Core Communications |
240-241- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Starpower Communications |
240-242- | Landline | Kensington | Starpower Communications |
240-243- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Allegiance Telecom |
240-244- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Starpower Communications |
240-245- | Landline | Glenn Dale | Starpower Communications |
240-246- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Starpower Communications |
240-247- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Allegiance Telecom |
240-248- | Landline | Ridge | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-249- | Landline | Mechanicsville | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-250- | Landline | Brandywine | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-251- | Landline | Highfield | Core Communications |
240-252- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Level 3 Communications |
240-253- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-254- | Landline | Hughesville | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-255- | Landline | Poolesville | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-256- | Landline | Leonardtown | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-257- | Landline | Nanjemoy | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-258- | Landline | Ridge | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-260- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Allegiance Telecom |
240-262- | Wireless | Callaway | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-263- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-264- | Landline | Beltsville | Verizon Maryland |
240-265- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-266- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-268- | Landline | Rockville | Allegiance Telecom |
240-269- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-270- | Wireless | Waldorf | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-271- | Wireless | Bethesda | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-272- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-273- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-274- | Wireless | Bethesda | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-275- | Landline | Grantsville | Core Communications |
240-276- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-277- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-278- | Wireless | Laurel | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-279- | Landline | Waldorf | Core Communications |
240-280- | Landline | Laurel | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-281- | Wireless | Bethesda | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-282- | Landline | Mechanicsville | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-283- | Landline | Kensington | Paetec Communications |
240-284- | Landline | Frostburg | Level 3 Communications |
240-285- | Landline | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-286- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-287- | Landline | Hancock | Core Communications |
240-288- | Landline | Thurmont | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-289- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-290- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Allegiance Telecom |
240-291- | Wireless | Hagerstown | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-292- | Landline | Kensington | Verizon Maryland |
240-293- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Starpower Communications |
240-294- | Landline | Laurel | Xo Maryland |
240-295- | Landline | Laurel | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-296- | Landline | Hyattsville | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-297- | Landline | College Park | Level 3 Communications |
240-298- | Wireless | Leonardtown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-299- | Wireless | Waldorf | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-300- | Wireless | Waldorf | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-303- | Landline | Clinton | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-304- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-305- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-306- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Allegiance Telecom |
240-307- | Landline | Emmitsburg | AT&T Local |
240-308- | Wireless | Damascus | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-309- | Wireless | Leonardtown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-310- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Uscoc Of Cumberland DBA United States Cel Md |
240-312- | Landline | Capitol Heights | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-313- | Landline | Hagerstown | Verizon Maryland |
240-314- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-315- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-316- | Wireless | Chevy Chase | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-317- | Landline | Callaway | Starpower Communications |
240-318- | Landline | Clinton | Verizon Maryland |
240-319- | Wireless | Columbia | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-320- | Landline | Waldorf | Cavalier East LLC |
240-321- | Wireless | Oakland | Uscoc Of Cumberland DBA United States Cel Md |
240-322- | Landline | Mccoole | Core Communications |
240-323- | Landline | Emmitsburg | Core Communications |
240-324- | Landline | Clarksville | Ymax Communications Corp. |
240-325- | Landline | Damascus | Core Communications |
240-326- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-327- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Core Communications |
240-328- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-329- | Landline | Hagerstown | Level 3 Communications |
240-330- | Wireless | Cabin John | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-331- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-332- | Landline | Newburg | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-333- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-334- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-335- | Landline | Glenn Dale | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-336- | Landline | Bethesda | Core Communications |
240-337- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-338- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-339- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Cavalier East LLC |
240-340- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-341- | Landline | Adamstown | Mci Worldcom Communications |
240-342- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Starpower Communications |
240-343- | Wireless | Hancock | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-344- | Wireless | Frederick | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-345- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Level 3 Communications |
240-346- | Wireless | Waldorf | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-347- | Landline | Hagerstown | Clec |
240-348- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Level 3 Communications |
240-349- | Landline | La Plata | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-350- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-351- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-352- | Landline | La Plata | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-353- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-354- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-355- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-356- | Landline | Frederick | Level 3 Communications |
240-357- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-358- | Landline | Damascus | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-359- | Landline | Indian Head | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-360- | Wireless | Laurel | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-361- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-362- | Landline | Cumberland | Verizon Maryland |
240-363- | Landline | Kensington | Global Naps South |
240-364- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Cavalier East LLC |
240-365- | Landline | Damascus | Baltimore-washington Telephone (bwt) |
240-366- | Landline | Williamsport | AT&T Local |
240-367- | Wireless | Frederick | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-368- | Landline | Waldorf | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-369- | Landline | Mount Airy | Core Communications |
240-370- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-371- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-372- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-373- | Landline | Odenton | Verizon Maryland |
240-374- | Landline | Laurel | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-375- | Wireless | Capitol Heights | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-376- | Landline | Hughesville | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-377- | Landline | Indian Head | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-378- | Landline | Cumberland | Core Communications |
240-379- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-380- | Wireless | Cabin John | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-381- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-382- | Landline | Hagerstown | Teleport Communications America |
240-383- | Wireless | Chevy Chase | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-384- | Landline | Callaway | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-385- | Landline | Myersville | Verizon Maryland |
240-386- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Verizon Maryland |
240-387- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Cavalier East LLC |
240-388- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-389- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Atx Telecommunications Services, Ltd |
240-390- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-391- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-392- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Starpower Communications |
240-393- | Wireless | Cabin John | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-394- | Wireless | Mount Airy | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-395- | Landline | Bethesda | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-396- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-397- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-398- | Wireless | Cabin John | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-399- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-400- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-401- | Wireless | Rockville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-402- | Landline | College Park | Mci Worldcom Communications |
240-403- | Landline | Rockville | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-404- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Xo Maryland |
240-405- | Landline | Frederick | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-406- | Wireless | Rockville | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-407- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-408- | Wireless | Rockville | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-409- | Wireless | Frederick | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-412- | Wireless | Waldorf | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-413- | Wireless | Hyattsville | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-414- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-415- | Landline | Frederick | Ymax Communications Corp. |
240-416- | Wireless | Waldorf | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-417- | Wireless | Capitol Heights | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-418- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-419- | Wireless | Waldorf | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-420- | Landline | Hagerstown | Verizon Maryland |
240-421- | Wireless | Rockville | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-422- | Wireless | Frederick | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-423- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-424- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-425- | Landline | Cabin John | Dslnet Communications Va |
240-426- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-427- | Landline | Waldorf | Xo Maryland |
240-428- | Landline | Rockville | Clec |
240-429- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-430- | Landline | Kensington | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-431- | Wireless | Tall Timbers | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-432- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-433- | Landline | Silver Spring | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-434- | Landline | Leonardtown | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-435- | Wireless | Waldorf | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-436- | Landline | Ijamsville | Telcove Operations |
240-437- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Xo Maryland |
240-438- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-439- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-440- | Wireless | Frederick | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-441- | Wireless | Oxon Hill | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-442- | Landline | Oakland | Verizon Maryland |
240-444- | Wireless | Laurel | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-445- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-446- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-447- | Wireless | Rockville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-448- | Wireless | Waldorf | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-449- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-450- | Landline | Silver Spring | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-452- | Landline | Hagerstown | Lumos Networks Inc. - VA |
240-453- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-454- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Paetec Communications |
240-455- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Paetec Communications |
240-456- | Landline | Laurel | Verizon Maryland |
240-457- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-458- | Wireless | Waldorf | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-459- | Wireless | Laurel | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-460- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-461- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-462- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-463- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-464- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-465- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-466- | Wireless | Mechanicsville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-467- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-468- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-469- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-470- | Wireless | Laurel | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-471- | Landline | Silver Spring | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-472- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-473- | Landline | College Park | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-475- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-476- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-477- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Lightwave Communications |
240-478- | Wireless | Cabin John | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-479- | Wireless | Oxon Hill | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-480- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-481- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-482- | Landline | Cabin John | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-483- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-485- | Landline | Cabin John | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-486- | Wireless | Glenn Dale | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-487- | Landline | Hyattsville | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-488- | Landline | Oakland | Shentel Communications |
240-489- | Landline | Poolesville | Xo Maryland |
240-490- | Wireless | Middletown | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-491- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-492- | Landline | Capitol Heights | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-493- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-494- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-495- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-497- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Verizon Maryland |
240-498- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-499- | Landline | Cabin John | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-500- | Landline | Hagerstown | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-501- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-502- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-503- | Landline | Newburg | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-504- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-505- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-506- | Wireless | Rockville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-507- | Wireless | Cabin John | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-508- | Wireless | Capitol Heights | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-509- | Landline | Crofton | Clec |
240-510- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Xo Maryland |
240-512- | Landline | College Park | Core Communications |
240-513- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-514- | Landline | Cabin John | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-515- | Wireless | Bethesda | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-516- | Landline | Silver Spring | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-518- | Wireless | Waldorf | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-519- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-520- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-522- | Wireless | Cumberland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-523- | Landline | La Plata | Xo Maryland |
240-524- | Landline | Laurel | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-525- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-526- | Landline | Leonardtown | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-527- | Landline | Hagerstown | Verizon Maryland |
240-528- | Landline | Hughesville | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-529- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-530- | Landline | Waldorf | Local Access LLC |
240-532- | Wireless | Oxon Hill | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-533- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Teleport Communications America - DC |
240-535- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-536- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-538- | Landline | Leonardtown | Xo Maryland |
240-539- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-541- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-542- | Landline | College Park | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-543- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-544- | Landline | Glenn Dale | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-545- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-546- | Landline | Clinton | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-547- | Landline | Laurel | Level 3 Communications |
240-548- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Allegiance Telecom |
240-550- | Wireless | Rockville | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-551- | Wireless | Rockville | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-552- | Wireless | Rockville | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-553- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Allegiance Telecom |
240-554- | Landline | Laurel | Allegiance Telecom |
240-556- | Landline | Glenn Dale | Paetec Communications |
240-558- | Landline | Kensington | Cavalier Telephone Mid-atlantic |
240-559- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Allegiance Telecom |
240-560- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-561- | Wireless | Leonardtown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-565- | Wireless | Laurel | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-566- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-567- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-568- | Landline | Laurel | Verizon Maryland |
240-573- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-575- | Landline | Frederick | Level 3 Communications |
240-577- | Wireless | Leonardtown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-578- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-580- | Wireless | Cumberland | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-581- | Landline | Laurel | Paetec Communications - DC |
240-582- | Landline | Hyattsville | Verizon Maryland |
240-583- | Landline | Beltsville | Verizon Maryland |
240-585- | Wireless | Waldorf | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-586- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-587- | Wireless | Leonardtown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-593- | Wireless | Laurel | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-595- | Wireless | Chevy Chase | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-597- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-599- | Landline | Rockville | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-600- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-601- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-602- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-603- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-604- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-605- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-606- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-607- | Landline | Waldorf | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-608- | Wireless | Frederick | 365 Wireless |
240-612- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Tw Telecom Of Maryland LLC |
240-613- | Landline | Hyattsville | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-614- | Wireless | Rockville | Metro PCS |
240-615- | Wireless | Hyattsville | Metro PCS |
240-616- | Landline | College Park | Mci Worldcom Communications |
240-617- | Unknown | Shentel Communications | |
240-619- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Mci Worldcom Communications |
240-620- | Landline | Rockville | Mci Worldcom Communications |
240-621- | Landline | Kensington | Mci Worldcom Communications |
240-624- | Landline | Greenbelt | Verizon Maryland |
240-625- | Wireless | Hagerstown | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-626- | Wireless | Frederick | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-627- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-629- | Landline | Frederick | Verizon Maryland |
240-630- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Clec |
240-631- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Verizon Maryland |
240-632- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Verizon Maryland |
240-638- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-640- | Wireless | Waldorf | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-643- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-644- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-645- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-646- | Landline | Laurel | Cavalier East LLC |
240-650- | Landline | Cabin John | Broadvox-clec - DC |
240-651- | Wireless | Frederick | Halo Wireless Services |
240-652- | Landline | Mechanicsville | Xo Maryland |
240-654- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-662- | Landline | Silver Spring | Verizon Maryland |
240-667- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-668- | Landline | Damascus | Starpower Communications |
240-669- | Landline | Kensington | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-670- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Local Access LLC |
240-671- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-672- | Landline | Rockville | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-674- | Wireless | Frederick | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-675- | Wireless | Myersville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-676- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-678- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-682- | Landline | Waldorf | Starpower Communications |
240-683- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Verizon Maryland |
240-684- | Landline | Greenbelt | Verizon Maryland |
240-685- | Landline | Brandywine | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-686- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Verizon Maryland |
240-687- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-688- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-691- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-694- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-695- | Landline | Temple Hills | Verizon Maryland |
240-696- | Landline | Hyattsville | Level 3 Communications |
240-699- | Landline | Adamstown | Verizon Maryland |
240-701- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-704- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-705- | Wireless | Chevy Chase | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-706- | Wireless | Chevy Chase | Leap Wireless Intl DBA Cricket Comm |
240-707- | Wireless | Hagerstown | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-708- | Wireless | Columbia | Level 3 Communications |
240-712- | Wireless | Columbia | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-713- | Landline | Laurel | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-715- | Landline | Rockville | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-716- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-718- | Landline | Callaway | Xo Maryland |
240-720- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-722- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-723- | Landline | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-724- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-725- | Landline | Lexington Park | Verizon Maryland |
240-727- | Wireless | Cumberland | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-731- | Wireless | Rockville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-734- | Landline | Hagerstown | Clec |
240-737- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-743- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Local Access LLC |
240-744- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-745- | Landline | Damascus | Xo Maryland |
240-747- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-750- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-751- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Telcove Operations |
240-752- | Landline | Bethesda | Telcove Operations |
240-753- | Landline | Rockville | Telcove Operations |
240-754- | Landline | Waldorf | Level 3 Communications |
240-755- | Landline | Laurel | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-757- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Peerless Network Of Maryland |
240-762- | Wireless | Mount Rainier | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-764- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-765- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-766- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-767- | Landline | Capitol Heights | Cavalier East LLC |
240-770- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-772- | Wireless | Frederick | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-773- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-776- | Landline | La Plata | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-777- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-778- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-779- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Cavalier East LLC |
240-780- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-782- | Landline | Damascus | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-783- | Wireless | Bethesda | Mte DBA Mte Paging Network |
240-784- | Wireless | Myersville | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-786- | Landline | Laurel | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-787- | Landline | Brandywine | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-788- | Landline | Oxon Hill | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-790- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-793- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-794- | Landline | Callaway | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-800- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Core Communications |
240-801- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-802- | Wireless | Bethesda | 365 Wireless |
240-803- | Wireless | Cumberland | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-804- | Landline | Newburg | Xo Maryland |
240-812- | Landline | Poolesville | Global Crossing Local Services-md |
240-813- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Atx Telecommunications Services, Ltd |
240-818- | Landline | Smithsburg | Verizon Maryland |
240-821- | Landline | Silver Spring | Lightwave Communications |
240-823- | Landline | Brandywine | Xo Maryland |
240-826- | Landline | Rockville | Verizon Maryland |
240-832- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-833- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-837- | Landline | Hughesville | Xo Maryland |
240-838- | Wireless | Oxon Hill | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-839- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-841- | Landline | Laurel | Allegiance Telecom |
240-842- | Landline | Glenn Dale | Allegiance Telecom |
240-843- | Landline | College Park | Allegiance Telecom |
240-844- | Landline | Ridge | Xo Maryland |
240-845- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Xo Maryland |
240-846- | Landline | Clinton | Xo Maryland |
240-848- | Wireless | Gaithersburg | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-855- | Wireless | Cabin John | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-857- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Tw Telecom Of Maryland LLC |
240-863- | Landline | Laurel | Tw Telecom Of Maryland LLC |
240-864- | Landline | Rockville | Cavalier East LLC |
240-865- | Landline | Baltimore | Level 3 Communications |
240-868- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-876- | Wireless | Bethesda | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-880- | Landline | Chevy Chase | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-882- | Wireless | Capitol Heights | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-883- | Landline | Sandy Spring | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-888- | Wireless | Rockville | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-892- | Landline | Upper Marlboro | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-893- | Wireless | Silver Spring | New Cingular Wireless PCS - DC |
240-895- | Landline | Lexington Park | Verizon Maryland |
240-897- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-898- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Broadwing Communications. LLC |
240-899- | Wireless | Bethesda | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-901- | Unknown | Centurylink Communications LLC | |
240-903- | Landline | Indian Head | Comcast Phone Of Northern Maryland |
240-912- | Landline | Gaithersburg | Us Lec Of Maryland |
240-920- | Landline | Cumberland | Level 3 Communications |
240-925- | Wireless | Leonardtown | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-929- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-938- | Wireless | Ashton | Omnipoint Communications Cap Operations |
240-949- | Landline | Mount Rainier | Cavalier East LLC |
240-964- | Landline | Cumberland | Verizon Maryland |
240-965- | Landline | College Park | Paetec Communications |
240-976- | Unknown | Baltimore-washington Telephone (bwt) | |
240-979- | Landline | Cumberland | Level 3 Communications |
240-986- | Landline | Nanjemoy | Xo Maryland |
240-988- | Wireless | Beltsville | Sprint Spectrum L.p. |
240-993- | Landline | Indian Head | Xo Maryland |
240-994- | Wireless | Rockville | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
240-997- | Wireless | Silver Spring | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless |
- Area Code 201-New Jersey
- Area Code 202-District of Columbia
- Area Code 203-Connecticut
- Area Code 206-Washington
- Area Code 210-Texas
- Area Code 213-California
- Area Code 214-Texas
- Area Code 240-Maryland
- Area Code 267-Pennsylvania
- Area Code 281-Texas
- Area Code 305-Florida
- Area Code 310-California
- Area Code 312-Illinois
- Area Code 314-Missouri
- Area Code 317-Indiana
- Area Code 323-California
- Area Code 347-New York
- Area Code 404-Georgia
- Area Code 407-Florida
- Area Code 408-California
- Area Code 412-Pennsylvania
- Area Code 415-California
- Area Code 443-Maryland
- Area Code 480-Arizona
- Area Code 503-Oregon
- Area Code 510-California
- Area Code 512-Texas
- Area Code 516-New York
- Area Code 561-Florida
- Area Code 602-Arizona
- Area Code 614-Ohio
- Area Code 615-Tennessee
- Area Code 617-Massachusetts
- Area Code 619-California
- Area Code 646-New York
- Area Code 678-Georgia
- Area Code 702-Nevada
- Area Code 703-Virginia
- Area Code 704-North Carolina
- Area Code 707-California
- Area Code 714-California
- Area Code 720-Colorado
- Area Code 757-Virginia
- Area Code 760-California
- Area Code 770-Georgia
- Area Code 786-Florida
- Area Code 805-California
- Area Code 813-Florida
- Area Code 817-Texas
- Area Code 818-California
- Area Code 832-Texas
- Area Code 904-Florida
- Area Code 909-California
- Area Code 916-California
- Area Code 919-North Carolina
- Area Code 949-California
- Area Code 954-Florida
- Area Code 972-Texas