Reverse Phone Lookup FAQs
Do you want to know more about Reverse Phone Lookups? When it comes to the use of the word "reverse lookup", many consumers use it, but others have questions about it. In this article, we'll attempt to answer some of the frequently asked questions about it. In the case that you have a question that’s not answered, feel free to contact us about it.
What Is Reverse Phone Lookup?
A "reverse" phone lookup is similar to a traditional phone lookup, for example, a phone book search or directory assistance. However, instead of you using a name to search a phone number, you use a phone number. The aim is to trace the telephone back to its location, owner and identify any information that relates to the number. Reverse phone lookups are usually used when the caller requires any additional information or when the caller ID is not effective.
Is This Process Legal?
In the United States, this process is legal for now. You can use reverse phone lookup to access information. When it comes to the type of phone, there isn’t a legal distinction. Cellular phones, business, residential and facsimile ones are legally allowed to get searched. However, privacy advocates in the US have raised some concerns on the basis of searching some numbers, for example, cellular.
Outside the United States, this process depends on the particular country's laws. In some countries, some laws have been passed which prohibit reverse phone lookups. One such instance is the United Kingdom, which no longer allows such services to be used except in the case of emergency services and law enforcement. That has led some UK directories such as to get rid of the reverse services they once offered. It’s worth noting that a phone number can be used to identify the town of origin of a UK caller.
While this service is not available in the UK, many other countries allow reverse phone lookups. If you want to see the countries that allow you to lookup numbers, please check our international directory page here.
Why Would Someone Perform Reverse Phone Lookups?
Most of these lookups are done to identify the unknown caller. Caller ID is one of the best innovations. However, in some cases, the caller ID of someone can’t be used to know who owns a particular number, but by using reverse phone lookups, you can identify. You can also use this process to know more information about the caller even if you know their name. It includes the network, the address, which enables you to know if it’s in or out network call. You can determine if other people have filed complaints against the person calling you.
What Numbers Can Be Reversed?
Almost all North American Numbering Plan (NANP) phone numbers can get reversed. These numbers contain a three-digit area code along with a seven-digit phone number. Wireless numbers, fax numbers, business phone numbers, landline residential numbers and even prepaid phones can be "reversed". That’s because these numbers can be hard to find than others. Previously, we have blogged about this before. Keep in mind that residential numbers can be easier to find than business numbers. On the other hand, cellular phones can be difficult to find information. Factors such as how old the phone is and the telephone's age line can also be a determining factor.
Which Information Is Available?
Various reverse lookup services will provide different types or level of information. On this site, if we find information, we will have the address, name, the type of phone (landline or wireless) and the carrier's name. We can aggregate and link the number to online call complaints to know of any issues regarding the phone number.
How Much Does The Lookup Cost?
Using this site, you will spend nothing. we are among the few websites that offer 100% of any information free. For pay sites, they will charge you $4.95-$14.95 for each lookup. To be honest, these sites may have information that we don’t have since the source information using other means. You can still use our site first before using others when trying to get information.
More about This Directory?
This directory was built to serve as a free resource for users searching for more information about businesses or people calling them. Since our launch in November 2010, we have helped thousands of searchers save money by providing them with information about the numbers they searched about for free.